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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. There are also improvements like saving tweets in a way they can be easily accessible or categorized whenever for free plus a more sophisticated model that users would be willing to pay a monthly fee for. Like regular users can have nice things while Twitter still makes a profit off those who are already using Twitter as part of their business.
  2. Social media packages, fan events, contests, hiring events, live watch events, live streaming, launch events, training for building your platform, and some other stuff I'm too tired to articulate. Doing this stuff personally is time-consuming. If you have the money, social media managers, consultants, and assistants perform those tasks. If Twitter had their shit together, I believe they could handle a lot of those tasks in a more streamlined manner and cheaper.
  3. There are services that people want beyond these type of things that they will pay for and are already paying for through third parties. Things that take a lot of work and require knowledge of how to parse through Twitter's data to fulfill those personal needs. I'm talking about Twitter cutting out those third parties by hiring people who can provide those services themselves for probably a cheaper fee because they work for the site. Everyone doesn't use social media the same way. If you're working in any entertainment medium, social media is part of your business, so you need a lot more options than the average user. Twitter only offers a few options because like I said before, their own staff don't even use the site enough to know what to provide or how to provide those services.
  4. I think it is a problem if you're trying to monetize it like Muskrat. There are a lot of opportunities outside of basic functionality/security to make money responsibly without pissing off users if those ideas are implemented by people who understand the site and have enough foresight to avoid unethical pitfalls. But the people at the top have to fully understand the strengths of social media, know the different cultures on it, and know why people spend money or what they're already paying for through third parties because Twitter themselves cannot provide those services right now. Twitter is a great concept but it is wasted on owners who have no idea what the fuck they're doing.
  5. I would probably skew more towards that view if anyone competent ran those sites or hired anyone willing to actually spend time on them to even know what the environment is like. Twitter staff were loud and proud about rarely using the site because they have lives and aren't into social media like that.
  6. It's a good investment but no one has a proper plan to monetize it or work with creatives to make interaction better on the site. There just aren't many people who are qualified to run a gigantic social network among those who have the money to do it either. These sites are being run by small-minded assholes who possess little empathy and believe their near sociopathic beliefs should be shared by the world because they're such big-brained people. People like that will never tap into social media's true potential.
  7. I ain't getting excited about that Friday the 13th news unless someone volunteers to handcuff Bryan Fuller to the set. If I hear one more time he left a show over artistic differences and being too expensive, I'm whooping somebody's ass. Y'all know damn well his boogie weird ass gonna write some ridonkulously freaky shit that's gonna cost an arm and a leg to film so stop hiring him if you can't afford him. Fans ain't blaming him no more because folks should know by now if he says, "I'm totally gonna rein it in this time," he fucking lying. Producers need to suck it up and open their purses so us sicko fans can get what we want. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU SIGNED UP FOR!
  8. What am I wearing to watch Wakanda Forever? Hmmmm.
  9. The best way I can kind of try to explain some of it is that there is deep resentment in the black community when it comes to money because we were locked out of the financial industry, locked out of building generational wealth, and blocked from any major foothold in business which still affects us today. Anyone seen as part of that, even if that culpability is more privilege based involving members of other marginalized groups and like Butt Worm said, a symptom of white supremacy, has that resentment aimed at them. Another problem is that resentment is known by hate groups and stoked by them plus some old black activists allow themselves to be used by Christian conservatives(who want all religious competition destroyed) to spread their conspiracy theories because it keeps them relevant. I see this more as a problem among black men vs. black women I think because black women are more involved in a wider range of activism. Working with so many demographics means we are more aware that most marginalized groups have problems with anti-blackness, and the Jewish community isn't special. It's less resentment in us and more emotionally exhausted. The latter part of the last paragraph comes into play when it comes to holding Kanye accountable because black women were on that train pretty early. Too many black men were not, and when black men in our community have more powerful positions and used those positions to defend or enable him(who also embrace misogyny and ignore us), our voices were squashed and treated as general silence throughout the black community. There are a lot of conversations going on right now about what went wrong and how to approach these situations in the future that give me some hope, but...we'll see.
  10. I am so fucking glad I jumped into serial stories before everything went completely to shit because jumping in now would be a nightmare trying to get my name out there. It's probably gonna get hella crowded in the next year, but I'll be good because I already have an audience and I've kept the quality consistent.
  11. Gonna have to wait for episode 6 to come out before watching episode 5 in order to see if there was a reason for the recent storyline going for shock value in how a scene was treated. I still think it was irresponsibly done(they should have at least put a DV trigger warning before airing it), but if it's an unreliable narrator type of deal, it should have been better handled.
  12. Why am I just now finding out about this?!!
  13. It's still hilarious to me that Mike Pence, one of the whitest dudes walking this Earth, almost got lynched.
  14. So we can't keep John Lewis but that granddaddy hotep still here? Tch. Shitty ass world.
  15. Unfortunately, I didn't pay attention to the beginning of the link and clicked on it. The long stream of body shaming articles to the right of the page will always announce what site you're on though.
  16. NFT houses, huh? Nothing could possibly go wrong with that.
  17. I want to participate, but I'm behind in everything. Why is October flying by so quickly?
  18. I'm sorry for your loss. Sometimes you can be used to a person's level of illness holding steady and then have the rug ripped out from under you. *Sees leaked images of new Sailor Moon phone cases. Takes a deep breath* Black Friday is just around the corner. Stay on target. STAY ON TARGET!
  19. I guessed how that was gonna go since they've been consistent so far with keeping parts like that realistic, but I got a laugh out of Lestat making those notes in blood on the sheet music. The old band nerd in me was dying.
  20. YUP! I was happy to see him in it because he was an interesting actor in GoT and he deserved more work.
  21. "Bartow County" was all I needed to know. Last time I was in that area for barbecue, some white dude tried to talk my ear off about microchips in vaccines.
  22. *Looks at prices of Billy bookshelves* 😭 Why didn't I remember to buy another one sooner?
  23. Unfortunately, anyone with a mediocre ass fanbase or low numbers because they got a scandal attached to them plus zero ethics(Drink Champs, Chris Cuomo), know that Kanye is desperate to talk to anyone who'll still give him a platform because the controversy he creates equals clicks. Another shitty thing out of this is that conspiracy theorists are coming out the woodwork because they're saying the new videos of Kanye being taken down confirms his rants instead of acknowledging that people with any shred of sense are done with him and reporting his shit quickly.
  24. I can't be no nanny. If the parents annoy me and I know they divorcing, I'm fucking with both of them.
  25. I didn't even know about the Libertarian candidate. Hopefully he swipes votes from Kemp.
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