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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Why?
  2. I see some are opening in Florida, but still none in Georgia.
  3. Pooh, how could you? You tryin' to steal my job? Two can play this game! *Grabs jar of honey and weed*
  4. I fucking hate that I can't tweet to Paul Ryan that I hope he gets cancer. Stupid adulthood and picking a career where I have to act right all the time.
  5. Jesus, that video is 40 minutes long. Whoever she is, she seems easy to avoid by not searching for dumb shit on youtube, so I don't know why you wish to beat her when you brought this on yourself.
  6. It turns out there were some serious allegations about animal abuse during filming like a lot of animals dying. I'm told that if you watch it now(I have no plans of doing this), people say it's pretty obvious the animals were actually put in danger during the action scenes, some of which they doubt the animals survived. So yeah, another childhood movie ruined.
  7. These are pretty annoying stereotypes, but I learned a long time ago that gay writers can be just as bad as straight ones.
  8. It's been on my watchlist for years, but I never got around to seeing it.
  9. DragonSinger


    I didn't think I could get hyped up for another X-Men, but every new trailer is making me so goshdarned excited for it. This being a story I haven't read and Jackman making this because fans asked for it are also why I'm really looking forward to it.
  10. Wishing my current president wasn't a rapist scumbag and daily embarrassment.
  11. You have the patience of a saint, you're good.
  12. Sadly, Buddy isn't the only one who does this. I tried timing how long before Fuggs would piss off Boo, but my crappy health made me lose track.
  13. Remember that you brought this up.
  14. I don't get into shitty biopics. I hear the New Edition miniseries on BET is good, so I'll give that one a shot when it reairs tomorrow night.
  15. I'm liking this post because I need a shy naked Gintoki in my life.
  16. Is Japan doing horrendous things during 1930's-1940's suppposed to be news to us? Is this news to you?
  17. One nonspoiler thing I can add is I never get tired of, 'This is what you have to do to win a job' vids that suddenly add, 'If you survive my deathtrap!' at the end.
  18. Mochi, it's time to, "Let it go! Let it goooooooooo!"
  19. Back to the episode, there are so many comments I want to make but...must...control...myself.
  20. You're lucky you weren't around when Hunter x Hunter was first fansubbed because you would have cried endlessly at all the vulgar talk about some of the ships.
  21. You could just let people figure stuff out on their own since the show explains it pretty well.
  22. That's because you are a homophobe. And sorry to hurt your fragile brain more with gay imagery, but there's a ton of Kurapika and Leorio porny fanfiction out there, so it's not just pervies here who ship that.
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