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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. I'm not gonna admit how many years it took me to realize that was Dracula backwards. Another vote for Gary Oldman but for the scenes without that ugly ass wig.
  2. Tornado siren tests
  3. This actually reminded me to take a multivitamin.
  4. Killing and robbing the people responsible for me only having those two options is always on the table, so I'll go with that.
  5. *swipes pic*
  6. Confederate flags Hearing loud arguments Witnessing an eviction Someone singing or talking on the phone while they're pooping in the next bathroom stall.
  7. My tolerance for shounen is pretty high, but NOPE to that shit. I'm out.
  8. Happy Birthday, Scoob!
  9. Elegant Yokai Apartment Life 14 Also yay for not being only 13 episodes.
  10. Honestly, the way we have mass shootings here, I'll allow it.
  11. Hajime no Ippo episode 2 This is a rewatch for me up until the early 20's where I put this on hold because of medical drama when I started this years ago. It's nice to watch this again after I've forgotten a lot of the bad memories I used to associate with it. So far, HnI has aged really well, and I forgot how adorable the main character was. "Jab, jab, jab, jab, jab!"
  12. The last swim scene in Gattaca made me sob because it resonated with me too damn much.
  13. Draw a realistic eye on your forehead. I accidentally terrified a group of kids enough that they ran away screaming, and their parents had to catch them. I figure that this will be more traumatizing if you're also taking their candy.
  14. I don't know why this is cracking me up.
  15. I'm bending the rules, so you can do it too.
  16. Oh yeah, Nick Cave got some weird dark shit out there .
  17. Future GPX Cyber Formula episode 21
  18. Future GPX Cyber Formula episode 16
  19. This sounds very entertaining, so I will keep an eye out for it.
  20. Future GPX Cyber Formula episode 10
  21. That's because I'm trying not to be all spammy since my 'currently watching' list is around 75(not including rewatches) due to me having to rest in bed a lot. And I'm not the only one, so . I decided to finally get around to checking out Future GPX Cyber Formula, and I'm now on episode 2.
  22. Why do we have so many posters with broken tastebuds?
  23. Until it went to shit with that timeskip.
  24. *Takes the Faygo, throws you and your nasty cheeseburger out the door*
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