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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    I've lost a lot of enthusiasm for the game since they dropped a bunch of the nice things they gave us during the height of Covid.
  2. My brother is a retired Army vet with a large network of friends still in, and the stories he tells me...
  3. I would have played Fortnite sooner if someone had told me about the Zero Build thing. Building turned me off that game from the beginning, so knowing I can just shoot things without doing that shit makes it appealing to me.
  4. Murder show on ID Channel: The victim's name was *_ _ _ _* MacLeod Automatic audio in my brain: Duncan MacLeod of the clan MacLeod.
  5. Why is there a publishing slug fest going on, and why are y'all going at each other instead of the folks who actually make decisions? Very unserious fucking people.
  6. The way I blocked out Awkwafina from my head in The Little Mermaid's cast list and then got shot back into reality when I saw her annoying face in the clip of the behind the scenes featurette. I have interest in few things coming out, but her ass always pops up in them. 🙄
  7. Why you got to be a hater, Buddy? They tried their pervy best.
  8. Happy Birthday Mochi!
  9. I need that story to be true just so I can watch the bird slaughter.
  10. My first computer or well family computer might have been an Amiga. That looks closest to what I remember.
  11. I loved Netscape so much back in the day because it was the first time I experienced a page loading nearly as soon as I clicked on it and that shit was magical. The rage I'd feel when after taking forever to connect to the internet, someone would call and bounce me off.
  12. Oy! Y'all mafuckas need to be good at your jobs for 5 minutes and catch this dude!
  13. AI bros who put an artitst's work through one of those programs thinking they created a better version and then send said piece they improved(actually fucked up the composition, colors, shading, proportions, etc) to the artist, deserve to be kicked in the face. WHO BREED YUH?
  14. Not so much the future. Now. Since the technology isn't there, they need writers to fix the stories these programs spit out. That's at least 2/3 rewriting to fix that shit, but they'll say the writer isn't the creator and needs to be paid less as an editor or other position. Job titles matter a lot in that industry as far as negotiating contracts.
  15. "I have to see how bad this is for myself" will win out every time over not watching the terrible thing.
  16. YUP! Wasn't surprised when I saw this.
  17. *Talent show flashbacks* 🥶
  18. I live among white folks so that was like their anthem for a while, and it got used way too damn much in ice skating routines. I think gymnastics too. Glad it wasn't completely ruined for me like Angel by Sarah McLachlan since that one makes me picture abused animals whenever I hear it. Why she do that? 😭
  19. I can literally hear this image. And I can still only listen to it once a year at most even though I actually like the song.
  20. Why do white people run like that? Why do so many of y'all's arms do that? Where do y'all learn this?
  21. I never had a reason to look into him. He took the money and mostly shut up other than a few instances about thinking of running for office. There was a Jenny Jones situation that flew under my radar. Ethics in talk shows or the morality of even having them is a topic I don't have much bandwidth for. I will say from secondhand knowledge, it's near impossible to stop people from going on those shows once they decide to do them. There was an attempted family intervention for a relative to stop her from going on Maury. They didn't sugarcoat anything and told her what the outcome was gonna be, including her mama. She went and it ended up as badly as predicted.
  22. I actually didn't watch too much because there were a few cartoons in that time slot no one else watched and soap operas. But when I did watch his show, I will say, you were entertained.
  23. Happy Birthday!
  24. Because like everyone else in creative fields, I ain't got time for nonsense. You got thoughtful replies and whined. So I no longer give a fuck. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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