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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. I'm so grateful I write Fantasy and can play in all sorts of worlds in my head without having to rely on this basic bitch's game for entertainment.
  2. Exhibit #254 of why I rarely eat at other folks' homes:
  3. I'm sorry to that man, but I still think of him as Tiffany Reisz's husband and never remember his name.
  4. Stories come out after the news breaks because you're less likely to be sued, Shit For Brains. Roiland's career being hurt can be directly tied to his arrest, not by the people who finally feel safe to talk. This thread reminds me of another reason why I never started the show; the fanbase is filled with a bunch of assholes and they turned me off of it.
  5. It used to have a wider release but now it's sold in only a few areas. I suspect at least in California because the shops on Amazon I've seen selling it at jacked up prices are located there.
  6. I wish I could find the green tea flavor. It might be sold on the West coast.
  7. Oh damn, Velma got a worse rating than Dragonball Evolution now.
  8. Why in the hell am I just finding out the dude behind Chernobyl worked on The Last of Us? That should have been all over their damn advertising in giant fucking letters. The casting alone got me hyped for what's to come along with the premiere, but now I'm really gon' be eatin' good. The folks whining about Ellie not being wank material-I mean for not being a twin to the 14-year-old character, look even goofier too.
  9. People, it's real easy to not hate watch that shitty ass show with Todrick, I promise. At least The Last Of Us comes on tonight.
  10. Mindy Kaling didn't realize she had reached the stage of "Look at that bitch over there eating crackers" with multiple demographics, pressed her luck with Velma, and now folks are using it as a legitimate excuse to get their lashings in. 😂 It has really been something to see.
  11. I want to see a picture of the person who came up with this.
  12. Mo Dao Zu Shi Link Click has good reviews.
  13. Easy to fake by saying it's a family only funeral, but it's hard in general to go out to something like that because most of us can't afford it. Writers are a bunch of social groups kind of like Reddit, and the type of relationships we have depends on what we're actively looking for. Sometimes it's only a business relationship, a parasitic arrangement around popular writers, or genuine support groups of friends that can get you through your next book and nudge you to stay in the industry. The latter you can get from experience of learning who to dodge on sight. Susan Meachen would have been a no off the bat because she sticks mainly to Facebook(or did). Facebook centric authors tend to be the white moderate to conservative crowd who want to be insulated with yes people on private pages or are part of large communities who pride themselves on making sure the minorities in their groups never feel included enough to get all uppity. Twitter is where most of the outcasts go but has its own pitfalls.
  14. Honestly, this is kinda mid for Romancelandia drama. It's weirding us out how this is getting national attention so quickly. We're pretty much like, "I guess those dingleberries faking cancer will get a break from folks talking about them." Or, "At least it's not an author smashing a wine bottle over a reviewer's head. So anyways, you think we'll get a movie out of it like How to Murder Your Husband chick?" 🤷🏾‍♀️
  15. LOL so this story made it here. I'm glad I didn't know her. There may have been a GoFundMe for funeral expenses, so folks are wondering how that plays out in this.
  16. I have to get back to a tight writing schedule, so I don't have time to discuss the multiple issues you've posted in red. I will advise you to look up the definition of racist before you fix your fingers to call someone black that word for making very mild assumptions about conservatives. Because if you say this to anyone else black who does have the time, you're gonna get your feelings hurt.
  17. So you're just gonna keep screaming racist instead of explaining why you're living with those folks?
  18. It's more like he's a placeholder name to describe people like him. I'll switch to refering to those people as IAD's, a.k.a., Insurrections Aren't Dealbreakers(People Who Think placed in front of it would be a more proper acronym, but I don't want to write six letters). It gives proper context when someone is like, "Hey I saw you being really mean to that IAD, and that made me feel bad so NO DEMOCRACY FOR YOU!
  19. McDonalds is one of my safe foods too(minus the nuggets). It might be because their Big Macs are mostly bread and their fries don't tend to be oily. I have no idea if my stomach can tolerate Five Guys well because of how large their fry servings are. My stomach will be in pain just from eating all of those potatoes. Haven't been lately because their prices went way too high for me.
  20. Your level of denial is a bit more fucked up than I thought, so I'll write a response to this later on.
  21. *Peeks to see if anyone's still talking about rape that my slightly professional ass can't be part of. Looks clear* Anyways, my bad. I should have said this is probably about your shitty white and can probably pass a paperbag test friends. If you've collected the downright suicidal dark-skinned one, I guess...congrats? How are you roommates with these people?
  22. *Published author exits the conversation*
  23. Not exactly a winning strategy which is why the correct response is this: I really shouldn't have held back earlier and said this is about your shitty white friends. But good luck with thinking you're going to change these kinds of folks:
  24. What you don't get is people will have those thoughts no matter what I say because their behavior isn't rooted in rational behavior. 2016 didn't go down the way it did because people weren't nicer to bigots. It was the friggin opposite. The anger that should have been directed at bigots didn't really get a boost until Covid hit. 2016 went down that way because the general public doesn't give a fuck about minorities. It doesn't matter if people invested in Trump losing were sweet as pie when putting out their opinions, the majority of white folks felt safe if he won. So even if they weren't his supporters, they felt no urgency to vote for Hillary who pretty much only ran on not being Trump. We all didn't turn into Care Bears during the 2020 election either. Biden won not because there was more civility towards the Jingais in this country, he won because Trump showed himself to be a threat to the majority, and it turns out, it's not great to have a burnt orange toddler in charge during a pandemic.
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