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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Your analogy is bullshit because someone shitposting online is rarely a motive for mass shootings. Let me try something else. There has been a large move from the far right to label the queer community as groomers. What have they done to deserve that? What ammo was given for them to be such a focus right now?
  2. You escalated this into mass shootings when we're discussing very basic shitposting. Most mass shooters are misogynists who believe the world hasn't given them what they think they are owed. Rejection from women is a known trigger. Rejection carries negative connotation. You stated that negatively engaging with these people is the same as leaving ammo out, which is essentially victim blaming. So, do you think women targeted in mass shootings over rejection brought their deaths on themselves for not giving their future murderers more positive interactions?
  3. Naww, cuz after a small handful of fries:
  4. I haven't tasted any of their hot items before.
  5. To me, their fries pick up more oil than other joints so I really don't mess with their food too often.
  6. You wanna go down that route, okay. Sometimes a simple rejection from a woman can set these assholes off. Do you think those women brought their deaths on themselves for not giving their future murderers more consideration?
  7. Superhero stuff does very well and can be considered sci-fi. But like I said earlier and agree with @atomicinumatt, Space Dandy probably could have done better if it was released more recently. Back then, I didn't really have anything to compare it with, but now I can bring up One Punch Man or something like Blood Blockade Battlefront when talking about it now. I really do hate that they advertised it while name dropping Cowboy Bebop because it did cause the wrong expectations. I assumed the same thing going into it, but I wasn't turned off because I grew up on anthology shows like Outer Limits and The Twilight Zone. Once I knew what I was actually watching, it was easier to enjoy the ride. I will always give that show props for making me emotionally invested in a love triangle with a friggin vacuum.
  8. A.K.A. the water bottle who got her comeup using that name and a blaccent, but goes by her government name and real voice when she wanna be 'respectable'.
  9. Zegerid, and I bring a bottle of water with me when I leave the house. I will also pad my stomach if I'm going to eat something greasy like a little bread or small serving of a veggie.
  10. Thank goodness I can't afford that croissant bread. I don't need that temptation in my life.
  11. The Renfield trailer was damn near perfect, and then Awkwafina popped up. Why does she only star in the things I want to watch? She can't keep getting away with this! 😭
  12. People like him are going to do that anyways. They will invent new ways to be victims and push the goal posts to a new spot every minute. The problem is people thinking hate speech should receive a debate/explanation in the first place. His words do not deserve that kind of acknowledgement, and caring about being seen as 'the angry leftist hate mob' reeks of respectability politics which are also useless in the end.
  13. I feel like it would have had more of a shot in Japan after One Punch Man's popularity.
  14. He bothers me because he's not a Bucket. His poison can reach someone. Maybe not here, but I bet he does this on multiple sites and someone will bite.
  15. Unfortunately, I think this was one of those shows that was ahead of its time. I think it would do really well if it came out now.
  16. Riiighhht. Yeah, I'm gonna go with my experience of living as a black queer woman in rural Georgia and having to learn too much about neo-nazis as a means of survival. It doesn't matter that most people see through them, what matters are the few who are vunerable to radicalization which people like Jingai try to take advantage of. Jingai isn't in a fucking loop. Back in the day, all sorts of posters tried debating him nicely and trying to make him see the light. None of that shit worked. He just used the civil interactions as an excuse to post long ass comments filled with propaganda.
  17. TLDR: neo-nazis do not deserve civility.
  18. Jingai's aim is to post that shit in hopes there's someone who will listen because his only goal is spreading hate. There is no actual debate to be had with him. There is no changing him. People who are that deep in the sauce do not want to change. You have to shout people like him down so at least others see there are consequences for that kind of behavior. When you're dealing with someone who only wants to cause harm, the high road is absolutely useless. The only thing it accomplishes is making you feel good about yourself and letting rhetoric like that run unchecked.
  19. Dems better keep listening to their constituents and let those motherfuckers keep shitting themselves on national tv.
  20. 🤢 And that is why I don't eat at those fish and chicken places. They always look suspect as fuck.
  21. I stumbled upon this and like I want to see this shit in person, but at the same time NOPE!
  22. I didn't know that actress could dance like that. I haven't seen her in anything for a while.
  23. Yup! When my dad worked at one airline, the first thing they did was show newbies a video of someone getting sucked into an engine so they understood the reason for all the safety protocols when engines are turned on. You're not supposed to go near those things until they're off-off. My dad had co-workers who wanted to get their work done early so sometimes they would approach the plane before the engines fully stopped. He was not about that life and would hang back.
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