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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Oh so you trash trash. Anyways, Sony found his ass likely got fired from his school job for inappropriate behavior with a student because he wanted to fuck around and find out with a corporation's legal team, and he said he couldn't recall if that's what happened on the record so he's going to stay a bottom feeder for the rest of his career no matter what your wack ass believes. I will add that I saw him at DragonCon being doted on by a stream of young girls and allowed them to cling on him. It gave me the ick so bad that I went from wanting to speak to him as a FMA fan into avoidance mode.
  2. I liked Blue Exorcist. My enthusiasm waned because of the first ending, and then I didn't try getting back into it once that ending was retconned with the new season.
  3. *FAINTS*
  4. Y'all are way too grown to be getting locked up like this.
  5. It was always weird to me how people get into a tizzy over women grunting.
  6. *Racist fucker proceeds to post a pic of her arms looking more the same size*
  7. Shit for brains, if you have a lot of money, known to have a lot of money, and have had stalkers, someone popping out at your house unannounced when it's probably not even light out will scare you. But I'm sorry, that's a basic human emotion that we ain't supposed to possess. She should have cooperated like a good little negro she's supposed to be. Williams was tested at least twice more than other athletes and had plenty of other surprise tests she was subjected to. And yes it is racist to shit on a black woman for her looks and abilities with zero reason to do so in a thread about another black female athlete. It's degrading, and if Dao wants to post this racist shit without anyone checking him, he can take his raggedy ass over to Reddit.
  8. Caught myself slipping and almost wrote a long post. Let me make this quick, you just a racist fuck. 'Asymmetrical muscle growth' bullshit ass motherfucker when that angle is cutting off part of her arm, and her right hand is her dominant hitting one.
  9. Writing a letter like the rest of his shitty family.
  10. Read your post and ask yourself whatchu think I'm lookin' at.
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. If you have access to a single positive steroid test for her, please share with the class.
  13. Yup. It's funny. When she posted recent photos after her social media hiatus, people were like 'OMG, how'd she get her body like that? I want her exercise routine!' Then she posted clips of her training and folks were like, ' Oh...she doing EXERCISE exercise. LOL, nope.'
  14. She lost weight and has been really into fitness lately. Like Rocky montage type shit.
  15. I'm still surprised people don't know that a lot of court shit can be made public. The only time I really see info restricted are in police shootings or cases involving the government/military.
  16. This is...quite a statement to make:
  17. I'm just gonna assume those shitty ass celebs had no idea letters to the court could be made public like that because if they did....what level of delusion were they living in to not think this would look bad?
  18. I think it could have been something if it was Meg's solo song. I don't know why Cardi is regressing like this cuz how did her part sound in any way good to her?
  19. The way libraries are neglected and treated with disdain when they're one of our society's greatest resources is so damn depressing.
  20. Episode 4 spoiler: Edited to add: Mihawk and Shanks, puuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrr!
  21. The hell did Joe Jonas do to be putting out smear campaigns like this? Also, folks ain't ignant about this shit anymore. If the bashing is this one-sided and the unscathed party doesn't put out some kind of statement, we know it's coming from your ass even if TMZ lying about 'anonymous sources'. And when folks scope this out and feel some type of way, they start airing out your old dirty laundry. Just pointless.
  22. Major book spoiler for most recent episode:
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