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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. 😢 Why did they take Drunk Don Lemon away from us?
  2. *Throws Barbara Walters aside* Pope Benedict XVI dun' bit the dust so shitting on his 'legacy' gonna be my priority once I get my work posted in the morning.
  3. Drew Barrymore and Brooke Shields talked about their interviews fairly recently in this reddit link with the video: There's also some more tea in the replies. I find it funny people are confusing her with Diane Sawyer because that lady on the same bullshit.
  4. Wait, you might have actually accomplished some good. Don't say anything else though.
  5. Perez Hilton is aging like milk. Good.
  6. Thank you for starting this off because I didn't like her ass either. She asked some misogynistic as hell questions and was irresponsibly invasive in interviews of people she believed were queer.
  7. Oy, why you gotta invoke some bad luck shit like that?
  8. Bruh...why the fuck is the first movie you suggest to me Fruitvale Station? And next on the list is The Man From U.N.C.L.E. remake like I need the reminder that the cannibal made that shit hard for me to watch again. At least the tv shows section is boosting South Side. I've been meaning to watch that, so I guess I'll start it.
  9. I laughed my fucking ass off when I heard about this. I saw a small part of the video that I could stand(the way men like this talk is so fucking creepy), and that asshole went out of his way to have someone hand him the box onscreen. I just...
  10. That's good to hear.
  11. Is your electricity back on, and do you have an electric or gas stove?
  12. Don't worry about it. The rarity of Aniplex anime is part of their business model and one of the reasons their prices are so high from the get-go. They're also part of production for a lot of anime with hardcore fanbases, so they can do whatever the hell they want and never change.
  13. I have so many comments to make but, *removes fingers from keyboard and remembers she in my genres*.
  14. The Anita Blake series is a blast from the past. Obsidian Butterfly was the last book I went out and bought. That series did teach me to be careful about making self-insert characters. White Lotus S1E6 How did this show make me want to whoop Paula's ass more than the annoying rich dude?
  15. We were out and about yesterday, and those tell-tale large frozen puddles outside of businesses we drove by...😬
  16. All that baggage drama going on at airports right now is why I refuse to check a bag unless I have zero choice.
  17. Thank you. March Comes in Like a Lion volume 4 blu ray. It's doubtful because Aniplex is stingy with the number of copies they produce, so their anime gets bought up by collectors and scalpers. Anyone with sense knows they can sell it online for a pretty good profit too.
  18. Me: *Does daily search for copies of OOP anime and finds a reddit post opening trade negotiations for it* Poster 1: I'm looking for this anime and I will pay you 200+ and add in a rare anime set Poster 2: I will pay hundreds of dollars over asking and will offer my skills as a software engineer for a free job Me: *Can only pay a little above Rightstuf's sale price and am only a writer* 😐😑😭🖕🏾 When did anime trading become so goddamn serious? Why I gotta compete with software engineers?
  19. Thank fucking god that cold shit ends tonight and we go back into the 50's. I'm very grateful that there were strong winds that dried everything up before the temps went to single digits. Georgia cannot do ice storms. This is the first time I've ever had to consistently drip the taps all day and night for more than 3 days though.
  20. I'm sorry, that is just so shitty.
  21. New additions in purple. Edited to add some of the Black Friday stuff and other purchases I forgot about. I only have a few more OOP things to find and then I'll concentrate more on buying up my favorite manga.
  22. If my rib roasts tasted so-so, I could free myself of all this damn work. But they taste so damn good, and now I'm forced to keep making them every year. *Cries while eating every tender bite*
  23. Leon needs to take responsibility for fucking up my childhood memories. The 5 Heartbeats movie and The Temptations miniseries are a jumble in my head because somebody had to star in both.
  24. I just sat the rib roast out to rest before I throw it back in at a higher temp. This cold is making the muscles in my back spasm, so I'm doing my dishes in batches.
  25. I forgot whipping cream!
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