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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  2. Happy Birthday Lady who can keep her plants alive!
  3. Rififi 8/10 Pretty much your old school dude gets out of jail, gets the band together, and they go on a jewelry heist flick. It's more of a 7.5 because it's boring at the beginning until they start planning the heist, but I bumped it up for not trying to spoon feed me information. That's what I miss about old movies, they didn't always treat the audience like idiots. That makes the actual heist a very entertaining scene that's actually shot without dialogue. I was so engrossed in it that I didn't even notice until ten minutes into the theft. There was less suspense for me about them getting caught because the focus is more on the leader who beat the hell out of his girlfriend with a belt for daring to move on while he was in prison. I did worry about the thief who doted on his girlfriend, Ida, and the father of the group. After the heist, things go predictably wrong because one of the thieves just had to give a bigass diamond ring to a nightclub singer like no one was going to track it back to them. Things felt rushed in the last thirty minutes, and I was laughing for the wrong reasons during the very end because well, old French films gotta do wacky shit right before the "FIN". Fun fact, the heist was so detailed that burglars started using these techniques in France and the authorities got super pissed off at this movie. I also didn't know that this was the same director who did The Naked City which is one of my favorite movies, or that he got fucked up by McCarthyism(the reason he moved to France).
  4. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    Christmas Pikachu's shadow is taunting me, but I can only get it outside in the cold rain.
  5. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    Delibird looks like a drunk Santa who's about to rob you. I like it.
  6. In my case, 'm' and 'n' are the two letters I accidentally transpose the most, and my brain wants the 'j' to be an 'i' or 'l'.
  7. See? I'm not the only one who can't spell @bnmjy correctly without the site's help.
  8. Why is Jafar the only one not looking jacked up? Okay, Jasmine's outfit is so-so, but how the hell am I supposed to believe that she would choose Aladdin over this dude: People on twitter are responding to Jafar's pic with, "Hi, Daddy," and I support them. They should have went with a different hair/costume team.
  9. Everyone seems interesting except for the main character. I'd watch it, but unless a better trailer comes out showing more of why I should care about the hero, this is going on the bottom of the watch pile.
  10. There's like .001% chance of it happening, but y'all be trying to invite that Paranormal Activity shit into your lives.
  11. Why did you bury a box in a cemetery?
  12. You being aware of the camera takes away the fun.
  13. I wish there was video with audio of Fuggs talking to service industry folks. It must be very entertaining.
  14. Noel Annndd I had to fast forward through a scene because no way in hell am I watching
  15. I saw the spoilers of how that movie ended, so ain't nobody getting me involved in that 'pay it forward' shit. That's how you get stabbed.
  16. It's delicious when cooked correctly. Unfortunately, it's probably the number one dish that I see constantly fucked up. When it comes to steaks, I usually order them medium even though my preference is medium rare, but I don't want to go through the drama of sending food back because I can't eat meat accidentally cooked rare(with the exception of fish).
  17. I'm broke until after New Year's so I'll miss out on this sale.
  18. More like Dru Hill.
  19. Her music is great for background music while writing Fantasy/SciFi/Thriller stuff or drawing.
  20. Uh oh. Sponges has competition now.
  21. Mom: common sense, empathy, looks Dad: creative skills, manipulative bastard tendencies Both: tv/movie obsession, food obsession, intelligence, crappy health
  22. *Checks twitter and sees the number 1 trend. Goes to read spoilers.* HOLY SHITBALLS! Thank goodness I put the show on a shelf after the first season because I didn't like what I was hearing from fans who were current on the show. That ending was some straight up bullshit.
  23. Happy Birthday Dude who looks like Mankind's little brother!
  24. All it does is make me eyeroll whenever I remember that carrot scene.
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