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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. With the dub of BLEACH: Thousand Year Blood War coming to Hulu on Friday, November 4th, it's possible that Toonami will be able to air it on November 5th, but man, that will feel like sloppy seconds!
  2. Oops... Guess I'll post the grid... Housing Complex C made it at #41 but it ain't exactly setting the world on fire. The real tragedy is AMC+'s Pantheon may not see the light of day on Cable TV at all with these numbers for HCC. Here's hoping eventually they decide to pull a Discovery+ with BattleBots: Bounty Hunters and air it on AMC, but that decision was arguably buoyed by good numbers for its parent show. Granted, this is a completely different property indeed even if the mediums (animated drama/action/horror) are similar, but what's not good for the goose isn't good for the gander either, I guess...
  3. I still haven't figured out how to stay up reliably when I wake up at 9:30ish on Saturday morning. Football season straight-up takes the energy out of me. Like 6 episodes behind on One Piece because of it!
  4. Wow, I hate that I slept through most of this episode last night, because it WAS a GREAT episode!!
  5. What Crooks Love...
  6. Thanks for taking this one. I totally wouldn't have caught that. ONE LAST TIME...FOR NOW!!
  7. It's about to get REALLY creepy!! Midnight tonight (10/15-16/22), ONLY TOONAMI!! Wanna C More?
  8. Yetis Beware!! You're going flyin' at 12:30 tonight (12/15-16/22)! Only TOONAMI!!
  9. Well I'll be...I wonder if she will play a role in the final episode? That would certainly be interesting!
  10. I COULD see CN's days being numbered to sometime in 2023, potentially merging with DFC. [as] and Toonami, meanwhile, would probably end up on TBS and/or TNT. Would be interesting to see some hours of TBS go to [as] while some hours of TNT go to Toonami, possibly following an AEW broadcast!
  11. [as] and Toonami isn't going anywhere in 2023. In fact, they just got a spiffy new 15-second full-block ad that showed up during The Boondocks last night. But CNS? RIP CNS... https://www.cartoonbrew.com/studios/wbd-merge-cartoon-network-studios-warner-bros-animation-222123.html
  12. 'Salright man. These days it seems to be pretty easy to be pessimistic about...well, damn near everything!
  13. At least this time [as] wasn't mentioned. Besides, Rick & Morty is doing alright: https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-sunday-10-9-2022-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html
  14. Realizing now that I only have a week to post episode reviews before threads close... https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/yashahime-princess-half-demon-the-second-act/episode-10/.180283 Part 1 gets a 2.5 star rating. I'll cover Part 2 next week!
  15. But apparently somehow Toonami will survive this! Man, this really sucks. It's like watching Hogwarts taken over by Voldemort!
  16. Absolutely BRUTAL week for Toonami: https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-saturday-10-8-2022-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html The ratings leader is HCC, but with an 18-49 number of 0.05, rank #72, and only 146K total viewers. Lupin and the One Pieces also towed the mark of 0.05, but not Yashahime nor Shippuden, the latter of which was in the 5-figure club, failing to even muster 100K total viewers. Perhaps worst of all, with an 18-49 number of 0.04, those latter two even failed to beat the trump rally. 🤮
  17. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Best case scenario is dub premieres on Toonami midnight Saturday night, Hulu gets the dub Sunday evening. Of course, [as] would also be able to stream dubbed episodes with a cable log-in.
  18. Here we go! Time to fight the Law and lose!
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