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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Behold, the last Yashahime review! https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/yashahime-princess-half-demon-the-second-act/episode-15/.181533 ★★★☆☆? I CALL BS! THAT WAS 4★ at least!
  2. We haven't gotten ANYTHING this week, except for (thankfully, FINALLY) new Yashahime bumps. But the promised fan art thing? Where is that!?
  3. Inuyasha once asked Kagome to make a Beast With 2 Heads... ...and then along came Moroha!
  4. The great war continues! 2 AM tonight, only TOONAMI!!
  5. Or maybe a GITS marathon in honor of the death of Aramaki's VA William Fredrick Knight? https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2022-11-19/voice-actor-william-frederick-knight-passes-away/.191963 Nah, if they can get Batman: TAS, it would get better ratings! If there is a 3rd Act of Yashahime and it involves Kagome's grandpa, it seems the role will need to be recast AGAIN!!
  6. Like my new avatar? I found it prescient!
  7. Tonight, it's down to the final episode of Season 5, while Season 6's fate regarding airing on Toonami is still uncertain at this time... And here is the original promo Toonami aired last year for both this week's and last week's episodes: Season 5, Episode 25 (#113) "The High, Deep Blue Sky" airs tonight at Midnight! Only Toonami! Fun fact: until a couple of weeks ago, last week's episode was the only one from Season 5 to air at midnight!
  8. I'm really bummed out that Adult Swim doesn't make topicals for this show, especially now that it's gotten serious! Moroha gets to know her parents tonight at 1 AM. ONLY TOONAMI!!
  9. Further into the Abyss we go!! Episode #16 (Season 2, Episode 3): Village of the Hollows Bleach ain't got NOTHING on these Hollows! 12:30 tonight (11/19), ONLY TOONAMI!!
  10. Bakugan: Battle Planet and Bakugan: Armored Alliance aired on CN from 2018-2021. Toyetic as hell, but it WAS technically anime!!
  11. The end of that is what forced Super to be pushed to 10:30 and 11 PM. That's the main reason Toonami stayed at 11 PM in 2019; DBS premieres there were an acceptable compromise, since when it first premiered, Toonami aired it at 11:30, which for some reason was unacceptable for premieres.
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