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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Oh, you gotta be KIDDING ME! This Raccoon Dog WUSS just kicked Moroha's ass!?
  2. There TOTALLY should have been a new bump for Yashahime tonight. What the hell!?
  3. Animation is just an optical illusion!
  4. Another crazy caper tonight!! Only TOONAMI!!
  5. In order to air November 5th, we're talking 3 weeks after the simulcast. Well, 3-3/4. But maybe we get the Made In Abyss movie at Midnight on November 5th and Bleach: TYBW is November 12th?
  6. Setsuna gets TOUGH! 12:30 tonight (10/1-10/2), only TOONAMI!
  7. LET'S GET SPOOKY!! Midnight Tonight (10/1-10/2), only TOONAMI!! Watch more if you dare...
  8. 1. They're talking about the SUB, not the dub. 2. They're saying it will STREAM there, not air on TV. Toonami doesn't "stream" ([adult swim] does but not Toonami.) Therefore I don't think there's enough information in this post to definitely conclude it's NOT coming to Toonami. All we can deduce is that the subtitled version is streaming on 3 different platforms. Which, quite frankly is probably how it SHOULD be.
  9. I thought about making a new thread for this official [as] sneak peek, but somehow bumping the old one made more sense... A 2-minute sneak preview of the first episode!
  10. Simulcast, yes, but let's see about the dub. Our best hope is that Discovery sells WB to NBC and then NBC also buys Sony. Anything can happen in this crazy world of corporate mergers and capitalism run amok...
  11. X-Posted to Twitter: All 3 of the @Crunchyroll co-productions: #FenaPiratePrincess; #BladeRunnerBlackLotus; and #ShenmueTheAnimation have already disappeared from @adultswim app's streams. Some interesting things remain: episodes of #BlackClover; ALL of #FLCL; and even some of #ThePromisedNeverland!
  12. That was Lupin the 3rd Part 6's 21st episode (not counting the drunken Jigen mess that was Episode 0), and so it only has 3 episodes to go, so we may yet get double Yashahime on October 22nd, but at least we have the Housing Complex C finale to lead into it. Hope they continue doing topicals for Yashahime even when Housing Complex C has the spotlight because those have almost been more entertaining than the show itself!
  13. Weird--more people watched the Made In Abyss rerun from 2 weeks ago at 3 AM than the one that hasn't aired since late February at 3:30: "On Adult Swim, the late-night line-up performed as follows: PRIMAL up 0.03 to 0.11/276K, YASAHIME at 0.09, ONE PIECE at 0.08/0.07, LUPIN THE 3RD at 0.08, NARUTO at 0.07, and MADE IN ABYSS at 0.05/127K & 0.05/104K." Prediction: at some point Toonami gets another line-up promo, PRIMAL gets a rerun, and this sound bite finishes off the promo! Toonami would be remiss not to do that!
  14. Oh God, that was horrible. Every other post was about how great trump was. As publicized as the Cambridge Analytica Facebook scandal was, it's pretty clear the Russian trolls hit that board hard!
  15. Toonami actually did pretty darn good last weekend: https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-saturday-9-24-2022-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html All 5 premieres made the Top 50! And what's interesting is the 25-54 number was slightly better for Yashahime and Lupin--is Toonami's demographic shifting?
  16. I just barely nodded off before the end of Episode 6. The OZEN fight is next week and it's great!!
  17. Soooooo much simply drawn Riko nakedness in these episodes. Thank goodness it's so low-detail, or else it would be wrong.
  18. "Bet she wrote something in there about my penis..and that stick!" 🤣
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