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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. as a business owner, facebook is a necessary evil if you want to stay top of mind with your customers. beyond that, it's a trash platform that has a singular use: to steal your data and serve you ads for profit. idc if zuc is the smartest person on the planet. he's done more harm to data privacy than almost anyone else in history. if he loses control of the beast he created, i question the motives of anyone who doesn't find at least a little joy in that.
  2. so are you ... defending facebook or something? what's your angle here?
  3. i have ask before actually responding to the question: which two?
  4. so he probably dropped a couple places on the "wealthiest assholes" list. poor little fella.
  5. at this time yesterday, or now?
  6. lol, it's off 20% since yesterday's close. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that's gotta hurt.
  7. i read about that too. papa john needs to walk away, but it seems he's bound & determined to kill that buisness. fucking jealous exes.
  8. it'll be fun to watch zuc get zucced from his own company. i don't think he's been much more than a face (nopun) since their ipo, but it will still feel good.
  9. step right up! come see the human contradiction, folks.
  10. i think the best description of their business model at this point is "lowlife data peddlers" but you won't get them to admit that.
  11. i personally doubt the intelligence of anyone investing in facebook for more than a quick ride. who ever thought that was a good idea, doesn't need to be touching my money.
  12. I think "skin orgasm" is a bit strong. But yes, quite a lot.
  13. yeah, i'm not really opposed to such a thing in the right circumstances. the cubs had, at that point, played 7 games in 6 days and burned thru their bullpen a couple times over that stretch. maddon was giving the regular rotation a break in a situation that didn't actually call for them. and it was fun. that's also kinda why ferrell started yesterday, and is now headed back to iowa today.
  14. it's ok. neither do most cardinal fans at this point. on an unrelated note, it was not fun watching the cubs get spanked last night. it was fun, however, watching rizzo beg to pitch until he got his way. even when they lose, they're fun to watch.
  15. it's a great idea, and i'd do it in a heartbeat. problem is, if you bring the alcohol content up too high, they don't freeze very well. and if you don't have enough sugar in there, they don't stay creamy while frozen. i can maybe squeeze a couple more percentage points into the ABV before i need a deep freeze to get the consistency right, but then they turn to mush before a person gets them half eaten. if you want a fruity everclear beverage, jungle juice is still the way to go.
  16. also fuggs:
  17. how many pushups can you do?
  18. wifey makes a killer pot roast. i don't know the recipe, but i'm pretty sure it includes french onion soup and maybe some italian beef seasoning. and she fills the pot with carrots and taters too. damn, that's some good stuff.
  19. god damn hangovers.
  20. i was making sandwiches in this little deli in high school, and i watched another employee pay zero attention to the big piece of deli meat she was running through the slicer. turns out you have to throw away EVERYTHING when someone slices off a fingerprint.
  21. don't get a big head or anything. there's no hate here. just callin' it like i see it.
  22. yeah, probably. easy is a look, and from what i've seen, you wear that shit right on your face.
  23. easy is inherently ugly.
  24. i just got a mental image of that. can someone come over here and hole-saw into my skull? i need that shit gone ASAP.
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