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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. god damn this shit. i read that as "precious" and of course we all know where that led.
  2. but i would though.
  3. nice. next time i'm thru your neck, i'm gonna pop into the cccandy store and pick me up a permit too.
  4. illi requires you to take a training course for cc, but not for the regular foid card. finding a training course with openings is probably the hardest part of the entire process right now.
  5. there's always one fuck-up in any project i take on at the bank. always one thing that delays a launch significantly, or breaks a particular piece of hw/sw or something. i was sure i finally had my first 100% fuck-up-free project the other day with a new ATM bring-live. everything went well with the old ATM removal, rigging in the new ATM, and all the network setup. we got thru the config on the new machine in about 20 minutes, and the network pushed down a load with no issues. *pop*, the ATM was live. amazing. i went out front to test it out. balance inquiry worked. balance transfer worked. cash withdrawal...failed. i heard the bills get pulled from the cassettes and get dropped into the dispenser...and nothing. so we checked our config and tried again. still nothing. bills get 1/2" from the customer's hand, but the dispenser sits quietly for a few seconds before pulling the bills back in and sending them to the reject bin. no explanation. so we called the manufacturer for support. after a good hour on the phone going through settings and testing this and that, some genius over there at hyosung usa asks for software package versions. and can you fucking believe it, there's a package installed on this machine -- by the god damned manufacturer -- that causes a communication issue between the card reader and the dispenser. their own fucking hardware. doesn't fucking work. because of their own fucking software. and they sent this brick out into the wild. it took me almost two weeks to get a new bundle of software to reinstall this machine back up from scratch. yeah, there's not a patch that can fix this. we have to wipe the entire core and reinstall every single package from scratch, then re-config and hope we got it all exactly right. five fucking discs worth of data, that is all supposed to be loaded and tested before it ever gets out of their warehouse. tomorrow is gonna be one of those days when i have to decide just how much i want to keep working this job.
  6. i own your beach, sucka.
  7. sorry, didn't know you were more a jet li "the one" type. the story wasn't as strong, but the choreography was superior. i'll give ya that much.
  8. the point is, stfu fuggs.
  9. like, in a neo from "the matrix" sense? you're probably right, but that's neither here nor there.
  10. your first date was staged. or was it your last date? or were those dates the same thing?
  11. stop trying to help.
  12. fucking really? you ever have a package stolen from your front porch?
  13. also, now i'm looking forward to watching the blow-covered hookers scatter like cockroaches at 4am. don't disappoint us, man.
  14. there are no more new festival shirts. we ended it last year after getting our asses handed to us for a third straight year from severe weather. there's only so many porta-potties i'm willing to stand back up after 80mph wind knocks them over in the alley. when i was left with blue-stained shoes and socks that smelled like piss, i kinda made a judgement call to never fucking put myself in that position again.
  15. his isp probably assigns him a dynamic ip, so the link will break in a week anyways. who knows, maybe dd dropped some extra cash for a static ip. then that shit would be permanent. yeah, let's watch.
  16. dunno why the link wouldn't work. seems fine from this end. sorry!
  17. nono. we already have two in the house that i didn't want. the nice lady from the library next door took the cat home.
  18. is this like, a secret poll or something? is there something in the works? WHEN ARE THE BOARDS COMING BACK?!?!
  19. wife made a snapchat video story this morning of a little kittycat stuck inside a signpost, and its eventual rescue at the hand of a local fireman.
  20. we transferred to secondary fermentation tonight. gravity was still significantly higher than where i wanted it, but it was stalled out for three days so i figure transferring it might be the only way to shock it back into active fermentation. secondary might give it the kick it needs to hit final gravity, but at this point it's probably gonna end up under-fermented. when we brew it again, we'll have to adjust some variables to see if we can figure out the weak fermentation. might be the water we used, might be that we're not making a yeast starter. or it could be something completely different. oh well, trial and error. on the upside, our first lager was finally ready to sample tonight. it still needs a couple months of bottle aging, but it was carbonated enough to crack a bottle for first impressions. it's definitely the clearest beer we've ever made, and the flavor was still a little malty but in-line with the lager style. when we try it again in august, it might be just about perfect.
  21. wacky1980


  22. ahh, that makes sense. but i don't get how dude can't help you get unlocked, privacy notwithstanding. i handle my bank's online banking customer accounts, and i have zero access to their passwords and MFA. but i can reset both of those things all day long.
  23. apple support to get home...as in like, your nerdy brother or something? i dunno, it seems like there should be a phone support person who can unlock things remotely or something. they're called geniuses, for christ's sake.
  24. isn't that effectively a port process though? seems like a lot of work to just turn around and port back a day later. not that i have a clue about how to fix this; i'm an android man myself.
  25. lol, $518 is such a small amount that they don't even require tax forms from the winner. those are rookie numbers, mate.
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