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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. impressive.
  2. i know you're always hungry, but you don't eat the plan.
  3. she needs to try a diet
  4. the hizzy is a status update?

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  5. looks like you have no idea either tbh
  6. you managed to make this thread hot now. congrats.
  7. we call it "flu pandemic" but it's applicable to both scenarios, really.
  8. they could give some dude's penis to a girl? damn, what kinda fuckery is going down in your bloodmobile?
  9. lol compliance. thank odin i don't have to fuck with that. except that i do
  10. TESTING...don't say that word in my presence.
  11. i usually revisit the DR policy every 6 months to make a couple necessary updates. these days i'm buried in risk analysis and vendor mgmt. still working on a cybersecurity RA since the examiners hit us pretty hard on that one in the spring, plus spinning up a 3rd party to use as vendor mgmt/RA policy analyst. i love the irony of hiring on a 3rd party vendor to analyze vendor mgmt.
  12. i wrote our bank's policy from scratch a few years ago. keep in mind, the examiners will never be satisfied with your work. with that in mind, start small and build slowly, adding a few pages here and there a couple weeks before each annual examination. progress is the key.
  13. glad i'm not the only one having one of those days. been talking to the Fed (capital F, yay) all afternoon on some check fraud stuff we've been fighting. dealing with invoice problems from our ATM servicer. end users have been we todd did all day. i just wanna nod my way thru the next 30 minutes so i can go to the hardware store, buy a few hundred pounds of thinset mortar, and start slopping that shit around on the concrete lot. manual labor can be a nice break from the regular bullshit sometimes.
  14. saturdays we run half staff, and that means everyone is in the lobby in some capacity. better in a window than answering phones lol got 2 barbecue trucks coming in to have a friendly competition. gonna send people all over town on a scavenger hunt that's really only happening so the wife and i have plenty to laugh at all night. i'll be playing dj til the band starts at 8, and then i'm serving beer til i fall down sometime after midnight. should be fun.
  15. running a teller window this morning (fuck you saturday) and then off to the bar to set up for a benefit party. scavenger hunt, food & drink, live music, auctions & raffles, all that good sheeit. a friend is fighting stage iv cervical cancer, so we're gonna try to raise a few thousand bucks to put toward her bills.
  16. my dentist dipped because he said it kept your teeth sparkly white.
  17. CDs have had pretty shitty returns over the last 10 years. their rates are starting to climb again, but that also means it's becoming more expensive to borrow money too. if you don't mind a bit of risk, it's more profitable to invest in mutual funds.
  18. grandparents maybe? sneaky, forgetful savers, those old folks.
  19. i just claimed $6.46 from a google thing a week ago, but i have no idea from when or why.
  20. i'm gonna chime here. this is all hypothetical because i doubt you'll find a bank that would do this, but if you opened one $1k cd in 2006 with a 12-year maturity at 3% fixed yield and bi-annually compounded interest that was re-invested into the cd, it would be worth about $1430 at maturity in 2018. at 4%, you're looking at $1609. in reality, the rate would have changed whenever the cert renewed (probably every 3/6/9 mo or 1/2/3 years, etc) so these numbers are probably a bit high. but that's your ballpark.
  21. seriously though, board rate on something like that is probably 0.10% and she won't get anything better than board rate.
  22. narrator: not only did fuggs already send nudes, she set her messenger to auto-respond to everyone with those same nudes.
  23. vip board access.
  24. if this were actually happening, she'd have blocked him by now. unless she's enjoying the rare bit of attention. does he like your bobs and vagene?
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