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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. this one worked out pretty well.
  2. don't worry, they'll choke. maybe not til the cubs knock them out in the ws, but it'll happen. 1986 all over again baby!\ rlytho, have fun. it's been too long since i've been to a real ballgame (i say real because i take the wife to watch the cards in stl occasionally, but i don't think the cards even count as a real team anymore lol).
  3. took the wife and young ones camping at the lake last night to watch the meteor shower. that was pretty fun. packed out and back home by 9am today. gonna be lazy til about 4pm, then off to aldi for the monthly grocery trip.
  4. it was a joke man. green and orange would be a shitty color combo for this place.
  5. thought about using green and orange but i didn't want to model the color scheme after bucket's home team. and most of the good 2-color combos are already popular on major sites/apps. let's just do an RNG process to obtain two random RGB HEX values. could be fun.
  6. i like black/yellow, but i think that's too close to old nodebb scheme.
  7. it will take 2 minutes to change the colors, so any suggestions are welcome. they just have to be somewhat opposite on the color wheel so they don't just blend together at that size. also, this is probably temporary until we have a permanent logo to base the favicon on. no commitments.
  8. here, if modmins want to use it. unevenedge.ico unevenedge2.ico i can use different colors if need be. too much grayscale around here. we need something with color in it.
  9. i'm just sayin'. i trust exactly 1 person besides me, to be responsible for my workload when i'm not around. anyone else touches it, and i know i'm gonna spend half my day just fixing their fuck-ups. sometimes it's just easier to do it yourself.
  10. a trusting man would have delegated. a smart man would know when it's advisable. sometimes it's not.
  11. wacky1980


    i bet it smells lovely down in there.
  12. wacky1980


    all those treasure trails...
  13. tennessee elects mayors for their counties. fancy.
  14. i'm sorry, i don't have exact change. can you break this $20 without using a calculator?
  15. if we talked irl? i assume the conversation would go something like me: can i get fries with that? you: yes sir. what size? me: medium. you: ok. does that complete your order? me: yes you: ok. that will be $13.58 at the first window.
  16. wrapped around the leg. fuck, i always forget about that move.
  17. stress ball had a stress nut. also, put your junk in the next one.
  18. tim horton's original blend with a bit of sugar til noon. unsweet black tea til supper. imperial ales any time of the day.
  19. i made plans to take the family to the zoo in stl this weekend. it was gonna be me, wifey, our two offspring and my oldest boy from the previous thing, plus some of the in-laws. it took me all week to get everything scheduled and booked, and to get everyone on the same page. we rarely take off like this because we have to work around a lot of other people's schedules, find someone trustworthy to handle the cash at the bar, take care of the animals, etc etc. anyways, i got everything figured out and we were all set to go. so when i picked the oldest up yesterday from his step-dad, i was informed that he "probably has strep" because his half-sisters both have it. no heads-up, no visit to the doctor or medicine to fix it. just "here's your kid. he's contagious. have a good weekend!" sure enough, he dropped a big 102 fever last night. so i asked his mom if i could bring him back since we had big weekend plans she was already taking care of 2 strep kids, and we'd make up the time another weekend. her response was "no, we already have plans." with 2 sick children? "they're none of your concern." and you couldn't have had the third treated at the same time? "he wasn't sick." so then why is he telling me you've been fighting his fever with tylenol all day? "he's your responsibility. it's called being a parent." BITCH, i have my two kids 24/7 and my third as often as i can. you ship all 3 of your kids, from 3 different dads btw, every damn weekend so you can ride bitch on your next victim's bike all over the countryside and get shitfaced. i know this because people feel it necessary to let me know when they see you out "being a parent" in every bar from here to the state capitol. please don't wrap that bike around someone's rear bumper this weekend. so anyways, back to this trip i had planned. it was too late to cancel the hotel rooms (i could have cancelled, but i would have had to pay full price anyways so fuck that), so i talked wifey's mom into taking my place. i sent everyone off this morning, and i'm staying home with the sick one all weekend because i can't have him around everyone if he's fighting strep. and now i'm sitting here, bored out of my fucking skull while i'm getting snaps every 10 minutes from the rest of the family, off on their weekend adventure that i planned and paid for. that's what being a fucking parent entails, you spoiled, ungrateful cunt. i'm really not opposed to hiring a hitman at this point. no one would mourn you, except maybe your kids, and that would pass in a day or two once they realized how much better off they were.
  20. i locked myself out of my retirement account because i never actually look at it, but it looks like it actually gained a half a percent today.
  21. i'm sorry, i can't understand you very well. you gotta take those balls out of your throat and speak clearly into the mic.
  22. i don't disagree, and that's why mine is locked down as hard as possible. but not everyone is that careful or attentive. and i'm not saying facebook is the only bad guy in the room here either. they're just one of the biggest, and if they weren't involved in some shady shit, you wouldn't be seeing them having to defend themselves in front of congress.
  23. listen, you can suckle zuc's balls all day if you want. he still put together a company that deceived a lot of people, took their private data, and sold it down the stream. if that's the company you keep, that's your problem, not mine.
  24. well when i joined fb 10+ years ago, i certainly didn't think it would be by stealing my contacts list and monitoring my browsing history and conversations. but hey, i guess i'm just old-fashioned.
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