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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. dude. you kinda remind me of a bearded version of "the neighbor".
  2. this house consumes dairy products by the truckload. milk, cheese, everything. shit, we even went through a phase where we were making cheese from scratch.
  3. on the top of a sandwich, just like op :E
  4. smoked string cheese, if available. the current backup is cream cheese and jalapeno jelly on a cracker. god damn. jalapeno jelly. so good. also, cheese is a thread that weaves through most things in this life.
  5. i can stuff and seal envelopes really fast. this was not a natural talent. it's required years of practice. give me a stack of forms and a stack of envelopes, and i can turn them into ready-to-mail items at a rate of about 3 seconds per. it's really quite impressive. turns out it's only useful when you're trying to get several items ready for the mail. so maybe like, once or twice a year. unless your job requires you to stuff lots of envelopes, like mine does, this is a really bad talent to spend your time perfecting.
  6. so this package still hasn't shown up. tracking hasn't updated. i talked to the post office and they looked into it. their response was "it's sitting at a distro center in hazelwood mo. that place is kinda like a bermuda triangle of packages. things get hung up there for several days sometimes. you'll get it, just don't know when." the actual fuck? oh, and i ordered 8 picnic tables for the bar on thursday. eight picnic tables, that requires a bit of planning ahead and extra hands to put them away. they were scheduled to deliver today. no updates were sent on that tracking number either. so i contacted home depot to see what's up. they "can't reach the shipper" and they have no idea if the tables have even left a warehouse at this point. so i guess no tables today? they said to give it 72 hours and contact them again if no updates have come down. i quit. i fucking quit this bullshit.
  7. guys. guys. there's an app for that. https://www.grindr.com/
  8. i bet the original showed her with a virginia slim dangling from her left hand.
  9. ballrags. the old members might remember ballrags.
  10. did they have to make the pattern on those pants form a target right in the crotch? i'm blind now.
  11. there's a paypal to make donations, yes. but in order to do a pay-to-reinstate scheme, someone would have to be monitoring the paypal pretty much constantly, and then manually attach the donation to an un-ban action. no one is interested in putting forth that much effort.
  12. while i don't necessarily think it's a bad idea, it doesn't appear this forum software makes it too easy to monetize user actions. maybe i'm wrong, but there have been several monetization ideas in the past and they were all eventually dismissed.
  13. take it to rants. no, seriously.
  14. yeah, ok. nuke this one boys.
  15. i kinda miss the old ranks scheme. didn't it have a "no new threads" restriction built-in too?
  16. like i said, i honestly think you do add some value to the site. i'd rather you fix your game instead of getting banned for good. but you won't, so have fun storming the castle.
  17. for a minute there this song was hot this song was hoooooooooot didn't the bends just have an anniversary? damn, i can't believe this stuff is 20+ years old already.
  18. if i was mad, you'd know it. and i appreciate your dedication to the character, i really do. i'd almost miss it if zeni wasn't around to toss around his small guy syndrome. but you need to re-evaluate your limits if you want to stick around.
  19. i couldn't care less if you catch a perma, but let's assume for a minute you don't actually comprehend the gravity of this long game you're playing. the phrase "barely legal" is pedo fodder. you've been warned dozens...maybe hundreds?...of times that it's gonna cost ya. if you value your ability to use this site, you'll dial it back by about 50% before one of the mods turns your account off for good. i don't mind the tough guy, alpha male routine. that's almost funny sometimes. but the "legal women" stuff crosses a line into some dark territory. this isn't the place for that kind of "humor" and it definitely isn't going to be tolerated if/when the owners start advertising for new users. you know all of this, i'm sure. i imagine it's just fun testing the boundaries every day. and i'd guess it's fun to watch everyone else wringing their hands and complaining "oh my word, what a deviant little scoundrel." hell, maybe it's the most entertaining part of your day. that would be pretty sad. but i'm not here to judge. just, i dunno, chill the fuck out man. try having an a conversation with people that doesn't revolve around being the toughest guy in the room, feigned ignorance in harassment of women, or actions that would warrant charges that begin with the word "statutory" for a change.
  20. i didn't have the ambition to find a nicer way of saying it at the time, but yeah that's pretty much what i was implying. the moderation here is visible and it's generally pretty swift. it's just ... i dunno, set to "comfortable" instead of "tight" or something like that. i'm not complaining, but i do see the point of some people saying it's too wild to try bringing in new users. but that's something that can be easily remedied. might mean we lose a couple people who drive clicks, but it probably would have happened anyway under the Old Rule so whatever.
  21. i don't think any mods will argue that the moderation has been lax. i hesitate to call it "lazy" because they're here and they're doing regular work. but i think it's safe to say that the mods are not as strict as their position allows them to be. that can always be tightened up, if the need arises. and, while i don't venture out of noise for the most part so my opinion may not be accurate, it seems like everything non-noise is mostly spared from the occasional nastiness. it's those places where new users will gravitate anyways. noise/off topic is always where the old-schoolers of any boards tend to hang. it's a shitshow wherever you go, not just here.
  22. so we up the post count for df to, say, 1000 and moderate the open forums a little harder. problem solved. by time someone has posted enough to see the "real" us, they're already somewhat invested.
  23. change of heart?
  24. let's just rip the band-aid off. heavy lube. that's what it will take.
  25. exactly. if we would just break out the industrial-strength cleaner once or twice, this place would clean up and be all presentable.
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