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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. this, i have not tried. i'm generally not a fan of things going into my ears. but i'm willing to try anything at this point.
  2. i have a neti pot. problem is, i'm so clogged up that it has nowhere to go. my parents swear by the saltwater gargle, and i agree that it works pretty well for a sore throat. but i'm past that stage now if i can get on top of the symptoms quickly enough, sometimes i can avoid the horrible mid- and end-stages with a peroxide gargle. i didn't pay enough attention to my body over the weekend to interpret the signals correctly. so this is mostly my fault at this point.
  3. wacky1980

    top 3

    i'll have to go check that out...
  4. so i have a cold that started over the weekend with swollen gums. that's how i know i have a cold coming on. the swollen gums lasts for about two days, then progresses to the sore throat for about a day, followed by 2-3 days of absolute congested hell. i'm in day 2 of the congestion right now. the worst part of this stage is plugged ears. worse than the raw croupy coughs. worse than the phlegm and mucus. the plugged ears are excruciating. you know how you can plug your nose and then try to inhale, and your eardrums pop? or like, when you take off in an airplane and your ears get to that point where you can't hear too well and they almost start to hurt, right before they pop and stabilize? well when i have a cold, my ears don't get that relief of a pop. they just build up that pressure to the point where they pound and throb. only thing i can hear is a constant ringing. and the pain...FUCK ME this is awesome. decongestant hasn't touched it. and it has taken 3x benadryl and a shot of nyquil just to get some sleep, which is obviously not wise. i actually got the damn things to pop and release pressure a couple hours ago, but it only took about an hour for them to plug back up and make me miserable again. have you ever seen that movie pi? just like the protagonist, i'm about at the point where i'ma find a drill and fix this problem. i'm hoping tomorrow when i wake up, i'll be on the downhill side. better be, because i have to go back to work in the morning.
  5. wacky1980

    top 3

    i was gonna say @NaBernie2020 but you changed my mind.
  6. local restaurant has them on the lunch menu. pretty good shit.
  7. wacky1980

    top 3

    i'm back in the land of the living tonight...barely. aaand, shucks. i guess i have to put @midnight on my list now by default. but these last two are tough. you all mean so much to me.
  8. don't. the only real payoff in this ep was the big reveal to dany about jon's lineage. well, the scene where brienne was knighted was also kinda fulfilling. and when bran said to jamie "the things we do for love" i let out a chuckle. but that's really it.
  9. he's not a zombie. i don't think he *technically* died after he beat the viper. but whatever qyburn did to the mountain definitely wasn't a cure.
  10. very true. shit went off the map (literally in some cases) in s05. all the lessons from the first 4 seasons went out the window. going by the rules established in the first half of the series, jon snow should have died like 5 different times by now.
  11. there's also the running theory that there's thousands of dragon eggs down there. well, a running theory from the books anyways, not the show.
  12. it's the most obvious "twist" they could toss out there, so i'm still hoping it's not gonna happen.
  13. could be she's following an escape route. the crypts of winterfell are larger than the grounds themselves.
  14. i'm refusing to go with the crypts being a source of new wights just yet. it would make an interesting set of cameos however...
  15. i have to assume they'll both die, but the mountain goes first.
  16. toss a little wood burning stove in there, and you got yourself a year-round greenhouse.
  17. mid. my man. your mother's day gift hunt is over.
  18. it's succin' sweet, that's all i know.
  19. my wife was not good with potted plants until after we got married. she'd plant annuals outside every spring, and that just burned my ass. why not plant perennials? buy them once, enjoy them every year? or put that shit in pots and bring it inside in the winter (we're zone 5b so pretty much everything dies in the winter). now we have a couple dozen pots that come in every winter and go back out every spring, plus flower beds full of either returning plants or plants that seed out for re-use every year. makes this former farmer happy.
  20. you strike me as the succulent type.
  21. aztec healing clay, potted plants, and whatever the kiddos pick out. every year.
  22. the answer to this question is always yes. what the fuck, man.
  23. 5/12 write that shit down. do not fuck with the mother's day.
  24. yes. yes it is. so would you?
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