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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. wacky1980


    you gotta plan for this shit. hide a dime somewhere for emergencies. i think i have rations in the safe, actually.
  2. wacky1980


    are you having a conversation with your wife via uemb?
  3. it's definitely make hay. farmers make hay while the sun shines because you can't make hay while it's wet from dew or rain. sun has to dry it out before i can be raked/baled. ...um, however, farmers also are well-known to make haste with the making of the hay while the sun shines. back to that whole "can't be wet" part. so if there's rain in the forecast, they make haste to finish making hay before the sun stops shining. we've created a conundrum. these are obviously the worries of lesser men though. you shouldn't worry your well-manicured head about it one bit.
  4. i have to assume they're saving the faces for cersei / red keep infiltration. at least they'd better be, after not touching it in 803. also, arya's the most ninja who ever ninja'd in all of westeros, because she spent a few months getting hit with sticks at the house of bbw. and there's also the part where half of the cast only exists to keep her in the game. i guess that means she's azor ahai as well.
  5. all three of these are on the docket for this evening. triptych makes some damn fine hopstuff.
  6. we had this stuff two saturdays ago. we got like 4-5" and it was gone 24 hours later. also, i'ma have to call my parents and give them hell. they mocked us when we got that snow, and they didn't get a bit of it. joke's on you old nort'ners now, assholes!
  7. she's dead on so far...
  8. well now i'm fully convinced 90% of your posts are troll attempts. no one is this dumb by accident.
  9. oh hell yeah i do. i taught her this thing where she ... nah, i want to hear you describe it first.
  10. hop merchant caterpillars showed up last year (first year i grew hops). assholes. never had any problems with the spotted lanternfly, and i'm not sure they've made it this far west. idc if the moso bamboo is on the invasive species list. where i'm planting it (if it grows) is surrounded by concrete in the center of town, so it won't be spreading anywhere.
  11. i've never tried growing bamboo from seed. not sure if they'll do anything, but i put enough effort into them that they'd better sprout. supposedly they're the big moso bamboo variety, and they grow up to 80 feet in native habitat. that would definitely piss off the neighbors lol.
  12. i bought all my hops from homebrewing.org this year, and i don't know where they source them. it could be from anywhere, but theoretically all suppliers are selling the same strains that have a line back to the same mother plant. they were supposed to ship in early april, but apparently the season got off to a late start so the rhizomes couldn't be cut on time. now it's looking like the first week of may. they only ship rhizomes because the cuttings come from female plants with known characteristics. when you use seeds, you don't know if you're getting male/female, and the strain is guaranteed to have different characteristics than both parents. if you're doing it for decorative purposes only, seeds are definitely cheaper. i'll have to check out those other flowers you mentioned. they sound fun.
  13. Not this time. Bamboo, misc succulents and cacti, agave, some climbing vines, and the desert rose. Maybe some hops, if they ever arrive in the mail.
  14. red led grow lamp. it compensated as much as it could.
  15. sent wifey a pic of the new crop of oddball plants growing in the basement. first to break the surface was the desert rose earlier today.
  16. maybe 20 years ago.
  17. so my 4yo has apparently taken a liking to blippi (sp?) on youtube. yeah, blippi. that blippi. how does a person who makes a viral shit video end up with a wildly popular youtube channel for kids?
  18. my bill for 2 phones with PAYGO data is usually about $60/mo. i'm content.
  19. right ear is still plugged up. now my left eye is feeling the pressure too. it feels like it could just pop out, which would actually be a neat trick to pull off at work.
  20. Mostly reverted overnight back to the miserable status, but I have to work today so I'm just gonna have to make do. At least this morning, I can breathe a little bit. So that's something.
  21. get up, come on get down with the button. <<<420starfist69>>>
  22. yeah...i did that but the little button never popped out.
  23. and now that i'm unplugged, the neti pot is gonna make an appearance of its own. @discolemonade and @midnight deserve some that uemb gold for this effort.
  24. holy balls, it helped out A LOT! not completely unplugged, but i can hear again and the pressure has gone down quite a bit. also, it caused everything else to start draining. eyes, nose, all of it. i'm not back to normal, but i no longer feel like my head is in a vice, and that's a big improvement. thank you sir!
  25. gonna go try it right now. hope i can find an eye dropper, so i don't just have to tip the quart bottle over my head.
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