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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. The outdoor bar is shut down til May. And the Jeep loves this snow
  2. we got around 18" a couple weeks ago, probably the same storm that dumped on you in these pics. that vehicle on the left is a minivan. by the time the snow quit, there was enough piled up on the van to crack the windshield. i didn't even notice it til a few days later when i got around to cleaning it off. we got 8+" of snow again yesterday. and they're saying there's another storm coming next week that could dump another 1-2 feet. i'm over the snow.
  3. shit, we're up to like 14" and counting.
  4. there's no way that fucker saw his shadow in this state this morning. he probably couldn't even dig his ass out that burrow with all this snow.
  5. Google is finally sunsetting their free G Suite legacy accounts. Gmail with custom domains will cost $6/mo/address starting in July. Fuck. Now I have to find a new free host for my emails. Zoho, I'm looking at you again ...
  6. i showed wife the preview yesterday. we'll sit down sometime and get into it. glad it wasn't all hype!
  7. Not sure I've ever read another person (outside of a few critics) say anything nice about that movie. Her BADASS performance made me a lifetime fan. I don't really WANT to meet any celebrities because the reality is never as good as the image in your head, and famous people don't really do it for me anyways. But if I had to pick one to avoid, it would probably be that fucking cock drip Aaron Rogers.
  8. Matrix Resurrections 8/10 Some action scenes were weak, it was waaaaay too meta (I hate that word on principle, but this movie exemplifies the concept), and shit got dense. But the story is fun, it tugs all the nostalgia strings, and the new characters do an ok job of filling in the vacant slots. I didn't think I'd like it as much as I did. It's solidly the 2nd best film of the franchise.
  9. Ended up waiting 6 hours before she got a bed. They gave her IV fentanyl and toradol for pain and something for nausea, and then flomax and a lot of liquid to push shit along. CT scan found a 6mm stone in her ureter. They sent us home at 3am with some Norco and 3 other rx. They said it's 50/50 that she'll be able to pass it. So basically, gonna be an interesting weekend.
  10. Just chillin in the ER, waiting for the wife to finish up her CT scan. Good times.
  11. Feel this. Not me, the wife. We're 5 hours into an ER waiting room visit right now, because she threw in the towel on trying to manage it at home. And there's still a bunch of people in line before her. Gonna be a long fucking night.
  12. I had expected this scene to end a bit differently: But otherwise, I'm not disappointed with what I've just witnessed. That whole Ed bit though, ... might be trying a little too hard there. I guess we'll have to wait for s02 to find out.
  13. When you have to call the IRS and work on some tax filing bullshit, on a deadline. And you've been on hold for a FUCKING HOUR. 😡
  14. wife finally talked me into joining her in playing dead by daylight. actually kinda fun once you no longer completely suck-ass at it.
  15. more or less, yeah. there's no ... gravy? ... sauce? ... not sure what word fits best there ... anyways, it's not as much liquid in a pasty as there would be in a shepherd's pie, but otherwise a pretty similar experience.
  16. wife made pasty tonight. as someone who ate it a lot as a kid up north and never gets the chance to eat it down here, i think she did a great job. my old uncle george would have been proud. so anyways, the amazing (bastardized from conrwall) wisconsin pasty: shortcrust pastry laid into pie platter fill with sliced potatoes, hamburger, tenderized round steak (cut in 1" cubes), sliced onions (all raw btw) add lots of butter...like at least half a stick, sliced salt & pepper to taste cover with another shortcrust pastry, pinch edges to make a pie bake at 350F for 90 minutes cut that baby up and serve it like a pie...with more butter some ketchup traditional recipes call for these to be made as a single-serving handheld meal, with the pastry being filled on only one half, then folded over and pinched to make a D shape. these could be packed out and eaten on the fly, which was great for the old lead miners of sw wisconsin. i like the pie version myself, because it just makes more and you don't eat with your hands.
  17. i was about to post this. avoided the entire series forever because that's a damn commitment. then i saw the movie and really enjoyed it, and heard people raving about how true it was to the books. so i went out and picked up the 6-book series. just started reading book 1 yesterday and it's good so far.
  18. Sounds like "Red Wave" is gonna be the new shitty buzzword for the next year.
  19. Getting ready for the VA results to start rolling in. Anyone want some action on the over/under for McAuliffe?
  20. Not gonna lie, I'd never read the books and I only watched the other Dune movie maybe one time. This movie has me hooked enough into the story that I bought the 6-book set.
  21. I don't even think I believe LP on this one. They're caping pretty hard for McAuliffe in this race, but I fail to see how anyone would think this was a good idea. Internet sleuths have supposedly ID'd most of these actors as VA Dem party staffers, which gives it a heavy false-flag vibe. However, LP claims it was a demonstration. Maybe they're trying to take some heat off McAuliffe and his slipping finish?
  22. Looking fun. I'll be watching. But where's Ed?
  23. The new Dune A solid 4/5. Thought there'd be more tiddy. Turns out, no tiddy at all.
  24. Nope. It was an all-seasons PITA and it had to come down before it fell on any one of the 4 houses within striking distance. I'm also making half a dozen table tops from slabs I'm having milled from another giant limb. And I have enough firewood ranked up to get me thru two fire pit seasons.
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