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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. So the new Adventure Time sequel/spinoff/not sure, called "Fionna and Cake" just premiered on Max with the first 2 eps. After watching, I have a feeling it's gonna be a fun/devastating ride.
  2. is it really a wise life choice to sell everything and start over with a food truck to sell ... gourmet hot dogs? it sounds a lot dumber than it really is... well now that i've typed it out, i'm not so sure about that last part. but these hot dogs we're turning out, GOD DAMN they's decent. i'm torn.
  3. drew's cowlick filter ball rags [my memory is shit]
  4. wacky1980

    Pokémon Go

    sounds good. they're all sleeping now but i'm pretty sure wifey was looking to add some friends. i'll let her know.
  5. wacky1980

    Pokémon Go

    huzzah! 100k in the bank. :thumbsup:
  6. wacky1980

    Pokémon Go

    i'm already ready already (egg is active). send away. also, thanks for doing this
  7. wacky1980

    Pokémon Go

    i'm ready. take me now, subcreature.
  8. wacky1980

    Pokémon Go

    i'm down. when do you want to run it?
  9. wacky1980

    Pokémon Go

    sorry, missed this one. i need to turn email notifications back on...
  10. wacky1980

    Pokémon Go

    Same! It's gonna take me about 7 weeks to trade enough gifts to clear rd1. Good times 🤔
  11. wacky1980

    Pokémon Go

    Sending. I need 3 new friends for a challenge and ... well ... it's hard to make friends in a town of 2000 and I'm one of 5 players, all of which are my wife+kids. Also if anyone's interested, pls+thx!
  12. 11/23/03 ... ish. Then lost access to that account and set up my 2nd main on 2/9/04. Regained access to my original account in maybe 2012, but wasn't about to abandon this goldmine of content creation.
  13. Barely. Not because we weren't there a lot, but because we were pretty heavily tanked most of the time. ~~~ Is it weird that I miss the FBI shenanigans? Seems like a pretty lame thing to miss, but here we are. Edit: not THE FBI, the other one.
  14. That's way too young to be posting on these boards. Give her another 8ish years and she'll be ready to go.
  15. wacky1980

    Pokémon Go

    Timed research event going on for a few more hours. Make a new friend for free candy and cheap xp. 0942 7080 9892 is me if you need a new friend...
  16. wacky1980

    Pokémon Go

    got wifey and all 3 boys playing and we've been trading gifts like obsessed weirdos for the last couple weeks. i'm only up to lvl 27 but it's coming along. my code is 0942 7080 9892 just in case
  17. I'd say that was more of a "broken clock being right 2x per day" scenario. But I'm no Reddit expert.
  18. i think it was barney frank himself who said those threshold changes didn't have a hand in this crisis. then again, he's on the signature bank board and he's crying that he was shut down because of his bank's strong crypto holdings, so he's grinding an axe today. as far as i understand the situation, stress testing wouldn't necessarily have smoked this problem out, so i have to agree with frank (eww, i can't believe i just typed that). and i was largely responsible for administering our DR/continuity testing at my old bank job, so i'm not a *complete* idiot when it comes to this stuff. tomorrow should be more fun (read: scary) than today though, if a few things happen in the right (read: wrong) order. i've got my popcorn ready just in case.
  19. wacky1980

    Pokémon Go

    i stumbled across my old account via a suggestion from niantic in another old game (ingress) and by some magic shit, i guessed the password on first try. soooo the game has changed just a bit since i last played it ... in 2016. trying to play catch-up all weekend but i'm still confused and i refuse to read an FAQ or readme. gg dumbass lol
  20. all i know is i have thursdays off, so i plan on doing jack shit for as long as possible. not a bad day to put on repeat, ngl.
  21. so i just finished the walking dead. wife and i started watching it on s01e01 premiere date in what, 2010, and watched it pretty faithfully thru season 8, then dropped it. decided to pick it back up after it concluded. after catching back up and finishing it, all i think is "eh, should have left it alone after s08."
  22. sure thing, but they ain't gonna stop me.
  23. it me at work. beardo is coming along nicely.
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