I haven't been on the boards much lately and posting in a birthday thread just now made me realize I missed @Odd Man Rush 's birthday. He's made my thread for like the last four years or so, so I feel a little bad about it. >.>
The ending was kinda lame, but other than I really liked XC3. I didn't do near everything, I figured I'd save that for newgame+ after all the dlc is out.
I am playing XBC3. Right now I'm way overleveled for the main story because I've doing a lot of side stuff and exploring.
Also I liked 2, it was my first game in the series.
That series ended with the finale where I destroyed my hentai collection.
Phillies sent me some anime telling me to review it though. It's No Game No Life, haven't seen or know much about that one.
Thanks all, I did a birthday stream today that no one watched lol and got some other stuff done. No sluts or cocaine, unfortunately. I am going for lunch and to the game store tomorrow.
All the clubs accepted me, well I didn't apply to the garden one. Fuck that outside bullshit.
edit: oh yeah also the Maxwell club, fuck Maxwell whoever that is. 💩