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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. If I decide to put cheese on my chili, I won't turn down sour cream. Otherwise nope.
  2. This, and I used to flirt with both of them a lot.
  3. Sometimes the hard times spent with people who are close really drives home how close those people may be, and how much they mean to one another. So I totally get that. In the past when me and other friends got away from being on the edge or in and out of those rough times, when things seemed to become better for both of us, we began to drift apart... not talk as much, etc. It's a bittersweet thing.
  4. Dude I have an iron liver... You want proof join that Discord and hop in chats every night
  5. Pussy. I have never had a hangover.
  7. Uh. You would need to in fact have sex with a woman to know anything about making them orgasm.
  8. I can test it for you
  9. It was a Feasterville basement and I cut my elbow open on the concrete wall as I swung Oh wait this is a song or something
  10. @ghostrek2 what happened
  11. Dude we have overflowing shelves of it from Delaware up to Boston
  12. This is why we are friends
  13. Are you sure you want that
  14. The porn is hidden away unless a person requests to see that section. I hold the key.
  15. nice to see you again too! :3 ❤️ If you can, have the car scanned and see what code it gives you. But in the meantime, check all of your vacuum lines (little soft rubber hoses that do not carry fluid, just air in a vacuum... most are around where your air intake goes into the engine.)
  16. I had one of those! Is there a check engine light on?
  17. This. This right here. /thread.
  18. Is it?
  19. Just for Cau
  20. We now have Pancake Sauce!
  21. K
  22. They do this shit on boats and completely ruin it for fishermen, and I guarantee half of those fishermen are republicans...
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