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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. Just take the L dude.
  2. Then you are going to the wrong places. Like, here's an example. All four front ball joints on a 2007-2019 Jeep Wrangler is a $500 job, that is if everything comes apart easily. In the case of my mom's Jeep, I broke a ball joint press tool trying to get it apart, so I buttoned it back up and she took it to a well known shop who charged her $200. A dealer probably would have charged $1200 and "found other things wrong"
  3. You completely missed the point. "Rotors are expensive" is wrong. As for the rest of his bill, a lot of places throw in tire rotation for free with an oil change. My guess is he went to a higher end place or a dealer. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised of the brake fluid flush (which is nothing more than a money grab in most cases) was the most costly thing, because of how time consuming it is.
  4. Okay, front brakes cost an hour of labor. So let's say $130. If a fucking shop mechanic takes even an hour to swap pads and rotors he is milking you, because I can do brakes using jack stands and hand tools in half an hour.
  5. I bought drilled and slotted rotors with ceramic pads for $89, so no.
  6. I do it myself for cost of parts...
  7. It's Tomboy Outback. Femboy Hooters is the franchise I am interested in
  8. In your case, it's me.
  9. He's a liar
  10. Charli also is a boy's name.
  11. CONFIRMED: Pat is Saul Goodman
  12. I have shaved every day since February
  13. Is he even tall enough to reach the filter?
  14. Raptorpat was the admin but he fired himself. Happy Birthday! XD
  15. @inuyashaboy05
  16. He doxxed.
  17. @lupin_bebop
  18. It's okay, I'm the new Admin and I am high too
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