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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. Grade A. <3
  2. so that's how you get them past your folks?
  3. When people try to cut me off, they get a love tap. They were at fault for cutting me off, and what's great about a little love tap... plastic bumpers. Paint scuffs can buff out.
  4. What kind of light bulb?
  5. I think I'll have some of those this weekend on the beach!
  7. Philly area.
  8. You deliver to your own house?
  9. Do you deliver Bad Dragon dildoes
  11. Chickie's & Pete's are best.
  12. We will be getting this heat wave over the weekend. I'll be at the beach or on a boat. Fuck yes.
  13. You haven't had crab fries til you've had Chickie's & Pete's.
  14. Send the drama my way.
  15. i would have rammed their car... conservatively
  16. I chat with her periodically, and her brother... a lot >.>
  17. It is good :3 Now I know what to buy you when we meet up again
  18. To be fair, I had to wait for the 127 year old Sheriff to get back from probably a very extended lunch.
  19. 775 is not to be confused with the Tetsu Sandy is talking about. But I haven't seen him in ages.
  20. Actually, it's harder or more taxing to actually legally buy a registered firearm in PA than it is to conceal carry one. The one I carry I had bought from my mom and it was a two hour process to get it switched over to my name.
  21. Mine took about 40 mins in Lancaster City... my buddy in Philly took 6 months.
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