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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. She gon' get some wholesome interaction.
  2. His favorite thing.
  3. Great, now he;s gonna tag the other staff.
  5. Yeah, working for more than thirty minutes would be odd.
  6. Yeah the angle kinda ruined it. But damn it was good.
  7. A Batman Jeep would be badass
  8. I know I am.
  9. No, but I will talk shit on them right in front of them. I'm hard to take serious at times, so they don't know if I am joking or not.
  10. I'm crashing the wedding.
  11. I have no idea what's in it (I'll have to steal the recipe from my stepdad), but it's like a giant crab cake and tastes MUCH better. Got the recipe from a friend in Delaware, apparently it's a local thing to Southern DE.
  12. That umbrella is on point...
  13. I was struggling with a 200 pound cooler slid into a packed up pop-up camper trying to get myself a beer, then when I snuck that to the Jeep, I started talking to her and never thought to get a pic... beside that would be kind of awkward
  14. Candid shot!
  15. What a blast. I was volunteer staff/helped trail guide as well as be a tail gunner for "Babes of Bantam" (an all-women's group on trails as well as through the playground) Friday morning, and did some guiding from 10-6 on Saturday. It. Got. Muddy... to the point that someone got their stock Jeep stuck on a "Green", or easy trail, which caused that little section to be closed off the rest of the day, the other Green trail got completely closed by 2, and then later a "Blue" or intermediate trail got the same thing thanks to another Jeep getting stuck on ruts deeper than its tires. Black trails were off and on, and required 35" tires or bigger, and lockers. If you didn't know what that meant, you weren't allowed to be on it. A few pics: The convoy out... also when we stopped part-way, the CUTEST chick in a yellow Jeep followed us into the Sheetz to talk to us because she was so excited about our whole setup. Our crew and the camp A Jurassic Jeep replica... except my old ass phone zoomed ALL THE WAY in on a bumpy road killed this pic. Trails were a bit... cozy. Many stock Jeeps scraped some skid plates on these rocks, but pics don't do it justice. Apparently they do some kind of medieval event at the same property as well... A couple of our friends who were vendors showed up... Jeep Invasion in Downtown Butler, PA: (we walked up and down once and left because it wasn't as fun as being on the trails ) Guides being guides... Staging for the trails, from the guides line point of view: Look close at the middle of the "island" between the ruts... that's a divot from draggin' axles. 34" deep ruts... Elvira! This Jeep's name is Pro-Zac... and that's Bonita sitting on the fender. Annd we left dirty, but thanks to 6 hours of rain... made it hope pretty clean I'll be there next year... hopefully in a '96-'98 Grand Cherokee (NOT a V8 model...)
  16. He looks like Rush Limbaugh probably did when he was 28.
  17. I've had worse.
  18. I used to, but that's because I wore them out. Once they rip though, the holes get ginormous so nope.
  19. I want to host another IB campout, but it'll either be in the raystown Lake area of PA or Elk Neck State Park in Maryland if we are talking a good local central point. Plus, I can borrow my mom's pop-up camper... if I don't end up buying it
  20. I've been to Pittsburgh a few times and have met some board members as well! Hit up downtown Butler on Friday after 6pm for Jeep Invasion... you might see me walking around! Purple T-shirt that says "SDJC" on it
  21. Oh it's definitely "a lot"
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