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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. DISCLAIMER: I did not have grill access. so the gf just drove 7 hours here and we have another hour to drive after she gets here. Figured I’d raid my folks’ freezer and found one of like 40 1lb packs of ground venison and a half bag of the best perogis I’ve ever had. Only wish I had a pack of bacon to thaw that wasn’t 5 fucking pounds, and some cheddar rather than American Cheese Product (at least this brand is still good though.) of course it doesnt look like much. If I cook something presentable, that’s by accident. Mind you, I will not make something that looks like Sponge’s asshole... I’m all about simplicity and good simple flavors. Plus this is all I could dig up.
  2. I've done this a few times, woke up and saw the time and panicked for a few seconds.
  3. I can rarely get those Middleswarth chips so I like Herr's as a close second... but I like barely eat chips as it is Also @imchapp.in those Trader Joe's chips look bangin. (Try their miniature chocolate chip cookies. Holy. Fuck.)
  4. My Explorer one day on the waqy to work I turned the heater fan from 4 to 2 and the entire dash started smoking... I kept driving HOPING it would catch fire... i wanted it to burn down for that insurance money. It did not. Instead, my fan only worked on 4 after that... Also, those drunk girls - we were headed to a hotel party that we were throwing. And to make it juicy, the black chick actually liked me, but I did not know this... so when we started making out I thought it was just a drunk hook-up... long story short she passed out and an hour later woke up and caught me in the bathroom with another chick and my entire friends group did not hear the end of it - to the point that half of them like stopped talking to her XD. Had I known, I probably woulda hooked up... but then again, if she gets that kind of wild and dramatic.... maybe not.
  5. I've been there. Had a '92 Explorer that was worth more in an insurance payout than what I paid for it. Plus I was putting 40k miles a year on it. More related to this topic, I did have two chicks drunkenly standing up and dancing with a fucking bottle of vodka, complete with mother fucking straw in the back of my car. I wouldn't have minded but it was in traffic and the top was down
  6. I would have made her pay for a detail.
  7. I mean, you and I probably could do this.
  9. Totally forgot that @AnimationFan14 and I took this. This is what happens when you're at a convention where drinking the whole time is encouraged.
  10. These. What’s yours? (the ones I have only seem to be available in the area between Altoona and Newport, PA ... or “The Alabama Region”)
  11. I mean, that carriage is the equivalent of her Nissan Sentra, so...
  12. One of my favorite things to do...
  13. You can't resist that feminine dicc
  14. We all know what I was getting at. And this is what I was getting at.
  15. I have friends for that usually
  16. We hangin this SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY
  17. ZitiGrand-Am
  18. Last time I went there (Actually Pat's because I had already had Geno's) I dragged my parents and brother-in-law there (semi-my idea) after the auto show, which was after a major snow storm... and it was not worth parking my jeep halfway on a sidewalk and halfway on a 3 foot high pile of snow and waiting in a cold-ass line. Okay maybe parking the Jeep that way was a highlight. But that's about it. If you want a good "tourist-ey" cheesesteak hit up one of the Steve's locations or Jim's. Or do what I do, go to the little hole-in-the-wall places.
  19. Fucking gross. Plus I'll be in the Northeast. Probably will just hit up Stella's on Willits Rd or something.
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