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Everything posted by ITasteLikeSex

  1. Your register serial number is in the picture you ding dong diddly dumbass.
  3. I cannot knot
  4. He would be Papa John the John
  5. Only fresh pasta from me
  6. Many years ago I read that if you stay a virgin until you’re 30 you get wizard powers. Also you have to stay a virgin to keep the powers. Once you do some sex then you can’t have wizard powers. For over 10 years I made sure I would never know the pleasures of flesh. No harlot or witch would take away my chance to have wizard powers. I stayed fat and greasy and anti social to secure my virginity. My mom always asked when I was going to give her grand kids and I said “Never! Begone foul hag! My wizard powers gestate deep within me!” Then she asked if I wanted hot pockets for dinner and of course I did. And please bring me a diet Mountain Dew. But no children! No sex! I had a world ready to be conquered once I received my wizard powers reward. My 30th birthday came and went. I gleefully awaited my wizard powers. But after I woke on that fateful birthday, there was nothing. No powers. No came or wand or hat or wizard beard. Just my neck beard and eyes full of tears. i wasted my youth on search of power that would never come to me. Now I’m fat, ugly, and alone. No one will ever love me and I’ll never have wizard powers.
  7. Why did he hate you?
  8. Should’ve painted EAT PUSSY on the side of the building
  9. Don’t play it. Magic will take all your money.
  10. The adult female kind
  11. Can I eat the Internet?
  12. But all I have is internet access and money. Someone who is good at food please help.
  13. Does that mean you ate the slaw but the slaw won?
  14. If I could I’d bring you Ohio’s finest beers Mmmmmmmmmust Who da fuck is you? If you were in Ohio Yeah the only car I have access to barely makes it across town
  15. I don’t think a game can tongue punch your fart box
  16. Ay babe you want some fuck?
  17. What’s the line? I might be familiar with it.
  18. DBZ. I don’t consider YuGiOh active since LK keeps going on hiatus. There’s a YYH redub but it’s not an abridged series that’s good.
  19. I don’t really know how to do that. Never been completely alone on a holiday. No family around, friends have their own families or don’t care about holidays. I’m less sad and more just not knowing what I’m going to do with myself. Maybe I get some Chinese food, a bottle of rum, and binge watch Frasier.
  20. There’s only one active abridged series that’s actually good
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