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Everything posted by ITasteLikeSex

  1. I can’t say the n word? I hate this oppressive forum! You’re violating the first amendment!
  2. Tonight we have Voodoo Ranger Imperial IPA Strong flavor hoppy got them nice beer spices way too strong as far as ABV goes (9%) I like it. Might buy it again. Certainly is an end of day beer instead of “watch the game with friends” beer.
  3. 1. no they aren’t. You were just a Babbler. 2. Why is your name maximum weeaboo?
  4. Yeah. Who could forget you? What’s up, k cup? I used to be an asshole. Trying not to be anymore. Might’ve been. I remember someone self harming pretty bad once. Oh come the fuck on. Mopar and Goldar died too?
  5. He does have a pretty sweet do
  6. Meat in general is. Cutting back was a bit rough but a friend introduced me to the idea of “Meat Monday”. I can still get my carnivore on but otherwise help the environment.
  7. I’m probably eating a steak this week.
  8. Marlboro Reds or bust if I’m going to smoke
  9. Romance doesn’t mean sex, you eggo supreme.
  10. What does this question even mean?
  11. Were you the nice trans lady with a red car?
  12. I think I remember you
  13. Sup Been a minute Please Poof
  14. I was hoping for poker or at least looking for unbalanced roulette wheels.
  15. So we just be normal responsible adults?
  16. Shit piss dick cock cunt twat bitch ass slope also cocks
  17. polyamory is a thing. You can have the one you love and be loved by and the one you have no feelings for and bang assuming there’s everyone’s consent.
  18. Yeah it’s been a minute as the kids say these days. I had no idea about him being racist or a gambler. Never took that guy for the gambling or racist type.
  19. Never mind made an alt and wrote down the password this time
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