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Everything posted by ITasteLikeSex

  1. You’re a good admin, Pat
  2. She was aight
  3. 1. Be too depressed to eat 2. Abuse some alcohol 3. Cigarettes are meals now 4. Daily cardio
  4. I did computer repair out of my house for a little while and sometimes made house calls. Never again. Some customers were fine others drove me fucking nuts. The good ones didn’t offset the bad ones.
  5. Damn that’s good
  6. I put Frasier on for background noise
  7. If you elect me mod, I’ll only use my powers for good. By good I mean banning people who were mean to me over 10 years ago. That’ll show them who the bigger man was. Those people I haven’t interacted with since like 2008. I’ll show them. I’ll show them all. They’re gonna be trying to post here and I’m gonna be like BANNED and they’ll be all “but why mr itastelikesex?” And I’ll be like “you were mean to me a decade ago haha this is karma bitches should’ve thought about your actions then. Mess with the best, get banned like the rest”.
  8. “Our boss is finally dead!”
  9. I guess you’re allowed to be wrong
  10. Sorry I have tastebuds Oh. Well. Keep up the good work.
  11. Root beer is trash with the only exception being a&w.
  12. Hey those aren’t friend words
  13. That list disagrees with me so it’s wrong
  14. Ghostrek gets it
  15. Can I be a mod here? I promise to do absolutely nothing with my mod powers.
  16. Probably being gay
  17. I remember that guy!
  18. Prove me wrong. Pro tip: You can’t.
  19. Actually acceptable pizza: Brooklyn style pepperoni pizza thats it
  20. SnappleMan was cool
  21. And I’m glad I get to spend time with you
  22. If you’re really Nayru then what number am I thinking of?
  23. Drewid Humbug Odin I guess? thats it
  24. That’s an orange hat
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