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Everything posted by ITasteLikeSex

  1. It’s true. You are extraordinarily black.
  2. Look at all that singing talent.
  3. This was a good thread
  4. Penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis
  5. Naraku is right. Christmas sucks.
  6. Or mosquitoes.
  7. Me: Imma click it Brain: Don’t you dare Me: WHY DID I CLICK IT Brain: WHY DID YOU CLICK IT
  8. Have a fuckin birthday
  9. There are these things called context clues.
  10. Yeah I have a magical power called reading comprehension
  11. That’s not how information spreads or freedom of speech works, you cocky kookaburra
  13. Show me potato salad!
  14. What’s the point here? You maybe make more money than someone and that makes you a better person? Good job pulling 36 a year? That’s nothing to brag about. It’s fine but lording it over another person is beyond retarded. You get to maybe brag at the six figure mark, you absolute failure of a capitalist.
  15. You’re not wrong
  16. What’s the time? It’s time to get Ill!
  17. I’m doing what every necromancer is born to do. Drain the life from my enemy.
  18. A friend managed a convenient store way back and one of his customers kept his life savings in his pockets because he didn’t trust banks. By life savings I mean like 20k+. No one robbed him yet somehow.
  19. Have you tried beatin his ass?
  20. No grilled cheese either!
  21. Fucking hell man why you gotta say words like that
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