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Everything posted by ITasteLikeSex

  1. It wasn’t a crack at either of you. It was at the fact that my drunken shitposts sparked a multi thread flame war.
  2. Wait why am I quoted in this
  3. Stream on twitch
  4. This is depressing and hilarious. It’s deprarious.
  5. People sure are angry right now
  6. I can dance if I want to. I can leave my friends behind.
  7. I don’t have hair
  8. I dub you an honorary white person. Enjoy your new super powers of enjoying mayo and talking to service work managers.
  9. He tried his Kanye best
  10. My favorite way to relax is in a hot lavender bath, drinking an IPA, and listening to Frasier. How white are you?
  11. Holy shit Nabs is smiling
  12. See fuggs gets it. How dare a black person take what could belong to a rich white man’s hoard of wealth? It’s not right I tell ya hwat. Not like rich white people created a system specifically to keep black people down to protect their own wealth. That’s a crazy idea. If black people didn’t want to be arrested they shouldn’t be seen doing crimes. Or not crimes. Or anything. Because that’s the freedom we represent as a nation. The freedom to be old, rich, and white. (I’m grinding an axe here and anyone who takes these statements seriously is a moron)
  13. Did I really just get compared to Bucket?
  14. Why don’t black people be white? Why don’t trans people be cis? Why don’t atheists be Christian? Every would be easier for these lazy minorities if they just conformed to arbitrary standards that the ruling class would never let them live up to anyway. Why can’t they just be normal like me? A wealthy heterosexual cisgendered Caucasian Christian man who also hates gays, poors, and brown people?
  15. Why don’t poor people just buy more money?
  16. Yo what’s up
  17. I’m currently taking sign ups
  18. If you know what I mean
  19. Yeah you’re just eating bullshit propaganda to make you spend twice as much as you should. With few exceptions food is food, soap is soap, trash bags are trash bags.
  20. Just because you have money doesn’t mean you have to spend it. Saving money means having more money. That might be the most ignorant thing you’ve said. Off brands are sometimes literally the same product in a different box. Cheez It’s and Savoritz taste exactly the same but one is $4 and the other is $1.
  21. Well la see dah, miss name brand consumables. I’ll be over here enjoying my Great Value brand food and products.
  22. Why doesn’t God love you?
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