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Everything posted by Mewn

  1. It was but I had hope! NOOOO PABLO! ;_; What made him go in half? Did Baal slice him when he was struggling?
  2. Nah, they changed the actors But yeah, he's been soooo irksome. And his outbursts just sets everything back I'm happy Quinlan is still around, too.
  3. Working fine right now, but that's probz 'cuz there aren't that many people online. >.>;
  4. Thanks
  5. Happy Birthday, dude!
  6. Me! I had the same feeling as you.
  7. The final season is going to be great. I fucking HATE Zack! I have since they changed the actor of his character.
  8. Hey, we're old, we need to sleep.
  9. Time to call up all the Republicans and leave them a happy holidays message. Or list all the other religions to them to make them cringe even more.
  10. oooo *does it* Ah, much better. Thanks for this thread
  11. Yeah, Linds telling it like it is! Gave Paul a new perspective to tell her to fuck off I think it was their car booze they set on fire Omg, yeah, almost forgot about that, that receptionist really was ready to jump into it with Edgar, from a simple stupid question EXACTLY! And he actually planned it too! Set up the fake twitter to excite her and everything. That whole term "family" for him just did him in, I guess. He really does need help D: Poor Gretchen....way to make her own depression worse with this one, Jimmy.
  12. Wooow @ Jimmy WHAT A DICK LOL Just got too real for him, huh? >.> LAWL @ Paul having the upper hand too.
  13. Yeaaah, I wasn't a big fan of the finale.
  14. The whole taking a while to load thing for sure a lot of the time. >.> But I think it's more of an issue of how many people are actually on.
  15. Nice, it took me like a year to go through all of X-Files + the current season BUT it's great so I didn't mind.
  16. Scream Queens 2x05 I've missed this show ;_; Stupid baseball followed by election
  17. Anyone else watch this show??? I thought it was very well done and hope we get a lot of seasons, up until the way the Queen is right now. Here's the trailer:
  18. LAWL, well you gave it more of a shot than me. >.> I literally watched the first episode like 3 times. Third time I had commentary from my friend. I didn't care for it so I'm not going to bother. Maybe years from now after it has finished, I'll watch.
  19. Hmm, yeah, I don't see that happening unless it's a show that is about this election (to make a point). I mean, bring on the apocalyptic shows >_> but yesh, they better include gay/lez/trans/bi characters! I don't see it reverting backwards tho, since most people in the entertainment industry are more liberal and dislike Donald Trump. Hell, I think we'll get a fair amount of satires. Especially shet with Trump/Putin.
  20. Goodgood. /thumbs up
  21. Lawlz, yeah they cater to the stoners. We don't really eat fast food. I'd rather just cook.
  22. And the helicopters!
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