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Everything posted by Mewn

  1. ah I uploaded directly I shall try a link then thanks again <3
  2. Eh, the ProBoards y'all moved to once [as] was shut down wasn't 100% in the beginning too. Just give it time. Luuv is doing ze best he can.
  3. Hmmmmm, there must be a size limit then 'cuz the one I'm wearing is suppose to be moving
  4. Hm, I'll take this challenge.
  5. Ah, okay, thanks! And no movable gif icons yet either, right??
  6. >_> I'm assuming this is just for forum admins then?
  7. I guess we shall continue the discussion here!
  8. LOL I mean, at least they know their age group. >.>
  9. Nah the planning boardz is gone now.
  10. It is cute. Just need a hippo devouring one.
  11. No way, you're just a mind figment.
  12. lolololol, that sucks >.>
  13. ooooo I love this idea a lot
  14. I shall take the boots and stomp everyone, thank you <3 >_>
  15. Mewn


    Ah, gotcha
  16. Lol, yeah it is random. Is there a way to just get rid of it or is it just one of those default things that comes with it?
  17. Then yeah, def see those.
  18. Right now I do not see either Planning Board or the Hole. On the index page under Welcome is the only place I see the planning board, but opening this thread I see neither planning board nor the hole anywhere. I also do not see the email links under the screen name? The only thing I see at the bottom of the screen name are those personal messaging links and I think you can add your websites there? Also "view profile".
  19. Ohhh, the boards has a login limit? That's good know lol When I was logged out I do like the "always stay logged in" option. I'm sure people in the beginning will be like ???? IT LOGGED ME OWT!
  20. Sweet. Edit: The table doesn't work??? At least not for me.
  21. [move]YO[/move]
  22. Oh awesome, thanks for that tip! Are you going to be putting in the video button feature in the future?
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