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Everything posted by Mewn

  1. Okay <_< I'll take it.
  2. Nerp.
  3. Super gay, has a cape and errrythang. >.> In CA we had to vote on condom use in the pern industry.
  4. You should get that checked out >.>
  5. between your thighs
  6. Voted! Mail in ballot ftw. Especially since there were like a gajillion props.
  7. Hmmmm, is it chocolate?
  8. Oh ho, ho. "Perfect Illusion" -Lady Gaga >_> I've listened to this album a lot.
  9. Chaps[/member] Since we moved~ Yeah, I could see Monet surviving (or hope she did) after she said PEACE to Audrey I'm rooting for Lee, but she obviously doesn't get the tape since we saw it, so something might've happened to her in the process (which will probz be revealed next episode). I'm hoping Aubrey dies <_< >_> she annoys me so much, although she has added some comic relief. I want to see more of the witch and real butcher >_> especially the witch since she essentially is the one that started all of this. I also want Ryan to clear up her story since if she's the original Supreme, how is she alive? I'm assuming she's just the spirit of her former self since according to Coven rules, once the Supreme dies, the new Supreme gains the powers, err, becomes more powerful.
  10. Yeah ): Poor Pablo So powerful, but so much pain. At least now the town acknowledges Ash somewhat. Also, Ash vs Baal next week should be epic.
  11. I prefer dijon.
  12. This is quite the thrilling thread. How does one pickle their boobs? Do they put them in a jar bra with seasonings and hope for the best?
  13. Oh, I thought you were bringing pie >.>;
  14. LOL I don't watch TWD, but someone texted me all "wtf bussy bar".
  15. Super a lot! KN joo ze bomb.
  16. Yeah, I agree! It better not be him since we were told it was the people in the house >_> BUT WHO KNOWS WITH RYAN D:<
  17. Lololol, South Park predicted ze future.
  18. Oh lawd. A movie full of constant posing
  19. They ate it.
  20. LAWL KN has seemed to fix the lag a bit Pfft. Silly Just edit it each post <_< Like Mewn does. Cuz she's determined to have verdana red. oooo I gave you your first karma<3
  22. At this moment, me too bruh
  23. Damn it.
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