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Everything posted by Mewn

  1. Yeah? Fake or real?
  2. Me toOOO, Peppermint Mocha is mah SHET. >_> ONLY WARM THO! Don't lose it! Sprinkle glitter on everyone that walks in. Hahaha, yeah that color is purrrfect for you.
  3. It's like Starbucks, when they get the holiday drinks!
  4. Uhhh, when I was into Rose of Versailles I loved the BARA WAAAA BARA WAAAAA part. Oh and NANA's first opening, Rose, but the chorus is half in english, so only those parts. I NEEED JOOR LAAAAV, I'M A BROKEN RoOoOoOOSE
  5. Mewn


    Lololol, she eventually came on to talk >_> The news ppl were betches tho since they cut the audio on Gaga performance 'cuz of copyright shet. Also lol'd at ignoramuses saying she wore Nazi shet. That was Micheal Jackson's outfit <_< It was a little drag on Donald.
  6. Mewn

    Try not to cringe

    This ^ We would like to speak to the artist, plz, to give them some feedback.
  7. Oh lawd, I am not googling that
  8. Welp, this sounds like a case of me murdering Neweh, totz. PLOT TWIST: I'm on trial, not on jury duty. Nah, Neweh is a cool cat.
  9. We're never past the kicking.
  10. Mewn


    <___< http://schmooschmoon.tumblr.com/post/152887849142/ladyxgaga-november-8th-2016-lady-gaga >___> They won't let me hear her sing due to copyright shet ;_; I heard Come to Mama and Bad Romance tho <_<
  11. Mewn


  12. lololololol. Yesh, joo informed me See? I voted the main election >.> Hide me from jury duty!
  13. BETCH
  14. It's all ruse for me to kick him.
  15. These are lies.
  16. LAWL Yesh, stick it to the man, poo on their lawn. Weird that they didn't send your ballot since they did for the primaries.
  17. Yesh, ofc a real pie. Ick, what did it smell like?
  18. Damn, that sucks =\
  19. >_> oooo, I'm curious now.
  20. lololol, what a freak. I like it.
  21. omg. you mean I can will a pie into someone's face???
  22. LAWL eh, I'm sure it won't pass, I know a lot of againsts. Honestly that was one of the small ones I was surprised the whole death penalty one wasn't reported more. There were two props on plastic bags and grocery stores too O_o
  23. oooo, I've heard stories about you. I feel starstruck, ze racist graces his presence
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