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Everything posted by Mewn

  1. Mewn

    Listen Up

  2. That's sad >.>
  3. Mewn

    It's Snowing

    I do not envy you. >.>
  4. !!!!!!!!!!!! Watch it, betch! Svet def is up to a bunch of crap.
  5. Yes<3 'Bout time.
  6. Extremely slooooow....and I thought Citrus was semi-popular ~_~ It's like I'm reading a chapter from September in December, gtfo lol Yeah? What's it called?
  7. Everyone had a fanclub. Even on MAL.
  8. Mewn


    I remember doing this once for cable and they made me call or basically scheduled them to call me to finish everything because "they couldn't do it over online support". >_> so that was dumb. I know for cellphone and whatnot they don't care and let you do online shet. Cable was just a BETCH >_>
  9. Vikings 4x12 I hope I see more LagerthaXAstrid. >.>
  10. Ick. I've also heard of a chick putting yarn in her cooch to sew a blanket or some shet...even through her period, so it had random red areas.
  11. lololololol, for realz. I wish yuris would be released faster
  12. Exactly! She certainly weaseled her way into having a secure life, but V def loved her so that was a bitchy move to pull without asking. Idk, how exactly they're going to get out of it lol since that bar is basically their income...unless V goes back to nursing.
  13. OFC! This is my white trash dramedy<4 What are your thoughts on Svetlana? I started to love her but after she pulled that whole undermining and stealing the bar, idk anymore >.> I mean, I love her style, and can understand why she did it but still that was not cool
  14. Yeah, I was going to say, Ian is 100% gay >_> (his previous bf, the firefighter/artist was bismexual, part of the reason why Ian broke up with him, also, the dude basically didn't think him sleeping with a girl was cheating on Ian ) In the beginning that was his problem with Trevor...but he opened up his mind and accepted Trevor as his bf. ....at least that was the case UNTIL MICKEY CAME BACK
  15. Did you paint this with your blood?
  16. Awwwwww, cutes. Reminds me of the last Citrus chapters. With Yuzu realizing society, what a derp.
  17. My washer broke, let's combine tools so we can do laundry.
  18. Have fun with that Your avie looks so sad.
  19. I believe he is transgendered IRL. I remember him in the show Faking It as the same role too I feel bad for him now since Ian said PEACE and went with Mickey D:
  20. T_T Wishful thinking. Oh well, at least Twin Peaks comes out next year /crosses fingers
  21. It's my clipped fingernail.
  22. Terrific ending!
  23. No? >.>
  25. LAWL! I saw this a few years ago. Hilarious.
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