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Everything posted by Mewn

  1. That seems quite unlikely.
  2. That's good lol They turned the jack in the crack by my house into a diarrhea bell. And I'm just like ugh. Hobos seems to love it.
  3. But what are they running to? >.>
  4. No thank you. You can treat yourself to that shet. >.>
  5. Ick, diarrhea bell.
  6. Jesus doesn't love Panderz anymoooore
  7. LAWL! Oh I C WAT U DID THAR! And they'll stay for the awesome show. B) Damn it, but they need to know 0118 999 881 999 119 7253!
  8. I remember when that happened. Sadly, I did not either. >.> We die a little bit everyday tho.
  9. Mewn

    My poor socks

    Oh lame, I hate it when socks get holes, I have ze same problem...but it's mostly because I would walk around everywhere with socks >.>;;; But yeah maybe find heel inserts?
  10. LAWL, yeah don't ruin it D:
  11. LAWL! Wait there are more people, besides you and me, that watch this show? *mind-blown* Yeah, I agree, 13 episodes is a good length for this type of show. OFF TOPIC: I started IT Crowd and am loving it. On season 3
  12. Needs more comic sans.
  13. Welp, never again, I guess.
  14. Poor Chet Yeah, hella trippy episode. It was like I was watching Asylum all over again. I bet Jingai wouldn't have minded to see Lucy as a nun. But I'm sure he loved her as the nurse >_>
  15. Just saw that this Thursday we'll get the two final episodes of the season ;_; At least it was renewed for a season 4!
  16. She lewks sad.
  17. Oooo, you make a good point on how the spirits didn't really have to do anything as far as killing goes. Seems like the ones that were killed were killed via paranoia/trances. I still want to know what is up with that one room and why it is so ghost proof. >_>
  18. Black Cherry soda ish the titz<3
  19. Lol, yeah it was a bit silly with the kids running around the property. Seeing them get burned alive was intense, tho. WEIRD that the video was posted to the Cloud >.>; (maybe the spirits of the trespassers uploaded it?) AND THAT'S WHAT MADE THE POLICE GO THERE, wtf. They should've looked around the property after the kids trespassed the first time....SO USELESS. Also, LEE IS EVILLLLL, she made a pact with ze witch and basically took over the role of the butcher at the end there. Like, we saw no butcher....just Lee with her machete burning them alive. And what a tweeeeest....thought Aubrey would live but nope >_> she ALMOST did tho <_< if she wasn't shot dead by the police....again useless. I cannot wait until the last episode with the interview with LANABANANA >_> I feel like Lee won't be 100% back since she DID make a pact with the witch...I also want her to tell us a bit about this pact. 'Cuz I want to know more about this effin' witch and how she's the original Supreme. Hmm, she looks younger than Asylum here...? Eh, maybe just slightly...I thought she was older looking toward the end of Asylum, but guess not as much as I had in my mind LAWL But yeah, cannot wait to see the conclusion. Also sad that it's the end T_T
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