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Guest The Hound

I will be setting up a discord so anyone interested in discussing this can join and chime in before it goes up Thursday. Anyone can use and install discord on their phone, tablet or desktop. OP will updated shortly to handle this.

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Guest The Hound

I propose we all be mods except Ticc and Zeni.

Let us have magical computer wizard first class powers and leave them

wondering, "Hey, how they doing that?  How does I poast cat gif?" >:D


OPs will be able to move/delete and lock their own thread if that's what you mean. However this will not be the case in rants or NSFW

Guest The Hound

what a kawaii desu sharku-kun


OPs will be able to move/delete and lock their own thread if that's what you mean. However this will not be the case in rants or NSFW


Nooo pls reconsider


If someone gets owned they shouldn't be able to delt that

Guest The Hound

Nooo pls reconsider


If someone gets owned they shouldn't be able to delt that

I ment to say all of babbling is not subject to that. My bad. Precisely for the reason you stated.





Guest The Hound

Also abuse of the gifts I give can also be taken away.



Guest The Hound

You really have thought of everything !


I used to be super anti-social and the asmb is one of the places that helped me get out of that funk. I live an active social life now thanks to this, and I appreciate what the place has done for me and have a huge issue with anyone trying to trash it or ruin it's memory. I want this to work, and I will see it through till the end. This place means a lot to some of us, as corny as that sounds to say - the proof is in the user base itself that still remains here.


It would be unfair and unjust to half ass the approach to this after everything.



Guest The Hound

Tonight the discord will go up around 10pm EST. I intend on having an open discussion about things. You may download discord on your phone and listen in and talk that way if you do not have a microphone for your computer. I will create a walk-through on how to join a discord server on both desktop and mobile device.


OPs will be able to move/delete and lock their own thread if that's what you mean. However this will not be the case in rants or NSFW

That's cool but I was kidding I literally meant everyone can be fancy but them >:D


Zeni's first thread:

OKC girls don't know how alpha my dong is.  :P

Guest The Hound

That's cool but I was kidding I literally meant everyone can be fancy but them >:D


Zeni's first thread:

OKC girls don't know how alpha my dong is.  :P



Dealing with Zeni is going to be difficult regardless of who is in charge.

I would rather not put my plan for dealing with users like him on here just yet - I was intending to let that info out on the new forum, but here we go:



Any user that can be lumped in with the likes of Zeni will be treated like any other user. However the rules apply to everyone and there are no special circumstances aside from a few that I will mention later. ANY post from ANYONE advocating the harassment of another human being, or anything of that similar nature, anything borderline rapey, creepy, or anything that raises an eyebrow that is NOT sarcasm or satire WILL result in a thread moving to FBI Party Van. Constantly contributing to inconveniencing the staff will result in a blacklist from the sub-forum that threads keep having to be moved out of.



Please also keep in mind anything I am saying is entirely subject to chance based on vote.



Guest The Hound

So, what do you want me to do?

See last post.


The goal is to keep the shitposting, flaming, and trolling inside of the Babbling sections, NSFW, and FBI Party Van sub-forum. I think you're perfect for that job.



Dealing with Zeni is going to be difficult regardless of who is in charge.

I would rather not put my plan for dealing with users like him on here just yet - I was intending to let that info out on the new forum, but here we go:



Any user that can be lumped in with the likes of Zeni will be treated like any other user. However the rules apply to everyone and there are no special circumstances aside from a few that I will mention later. ANY post from ANYONE advocating the harassment of another human being, or anything of that similar nature, anything borderline rapey, creepy, or anything that raises an eyebrow that is NOT sarcasm or satire WILL result in a thread moving to FBI Party Van. Constantly contributing to inconveniencing the staff will result in a blacklist from the sub-forum that threads keep having to be moved out of.



Please also keep in mind anything I am saying is entirely subject to chance based on vote.

There will be voting?  Lol FBI party van

Guest The Hound

There will be voting?  Lol FBI party van

Tonight around 10 EST I can cover some more issues directly. I do have a plan for literally every scenario.



Generally though, IF a user does something that warrants the first temp ban from a subforum - nothing more than that will be done.

Though if it continues - my idea is to temp ban them entirely, and have a discussion made about what to do next.




10pm tonight EST, I will be open for voice chat on discord.


If it doesnt crash every other 5 minutes ill stick around


Everytime Viper looks at hentai the server will slow down... so in other words were fucked :|

Guest The Hound

Everytime Viper looks at hentai the server will slow down... so in other words were fucked :|



I don't watch hentai I play it  :o 




Guest The Hound

Discord Is UP. Me and Kidney are in it now setting it up, but I will not be answering anything till 10pm. I'm busy fapping and stuff. Jk.

It's just better at 10pm est because most of us are done work by then and will be able to dedicate some time to this.  <3


You are like.. right next to kidney right now and if anything you are the 2nd most up to date person about everything that's going on.  :D :D :D  stfu ho.  <3


I'm not with kidney right now I'm at work until 9:30 is that a yes to being supreme mod.

Guest The Hound

I'm not with kidney right now I'm at work until 9:30 is that a yes to being supreme mod.

How bad do you want it?
Guest The Hound

I see zeni is in the thread.

You are more than welcome to come into the discord tonight.

Guest The Hound

I'll let u have kidney for a night if u do it.

His butthole won't survive.  :poop: :poop: :poop:



And just come on in tonight on discord and I can discuss more. But seeing as how you'd be our only staff member that was uh... *ahem* on... uh.. board with.. uh.. other... places... and stuff - putting you in that role has already crossed my mind.


Guest The Hound

scoob confirmed in discord.



I'll be putting these post in here so I know who joined.

Guest The Hound

I'll be back a little later before 10PM guys.




The UEMB is way better than your proposed boards. Seriously, your idea reminds me of when I was in middle school and tried to orchestrate a gaming magazine with my friends to compete with the big boys. Let it go, Viper, you lost your helper privileges! It's over and done with! :D


See last post.


The goal is to keep the shitposting, flaming, and trolling inside of the Babbling sections, NSFW, and FBI Party Van sub-forum. I think you're perfect for that job.


That does sound like a job right up my alley.


Bleh.  This is nobody's loss but if this board is really going to play divorce then I'm just gonna bounce.  I'll see all you guys again if AS ever gets their shit together and puts a new board up.

Guest The Hound

Bleh.  This is nobody's loss but if this board is really going to play divorce then I'm just gonna bounce.  I'll see all you guys again if AS ever gets their shit together and puts a new board up.

Well I didn't want to make this public to everyone as well, but the goal is to slowly transition the site into an Adult Swim fan-forum. Slowly.... very.. very slow.

Something Luuv does NOT want. Something I have wanted and multiple people have wanted from the start.



Guest The Hound

I mean in all respects it will be a true homage to the asmb, one that will never migrate forum software(hopefully), and one that will stay up indefinitely. This place is already about to begin it's 3rd switch, something that never should have happened. My approach to this is to finalize it and be done with it forever.


im not ok with the choice of "leadership" here...myself included....there are people that are generally referred to as trolls...who are rude, insensitive, offensive that should not be in positions of power...there are also some...that given outside forces or...let's use alcohol as an example....would be the most likely to abuse their position...over perceived maliciousness that doesn't really happen but they cry it does...I feel that some leadership choices could potentially ruin the sanctity and security of the site...it would behoove you to find more even tempered candidates that would likely be around often

Guest The Hound

Again, join the discord tonight and listen in, I will answer and address everyone's comments, concerns and ideas.

Guest The Hound

im not ok with the choice of "leadership" here...myself included....there are people that are generally referred to as trolls...who are rude, insensitive, offensive that should not be in positions of power...there are also some...that given outside forces or...let's use alcohol as an example....would be the most likely to abuse their position...over perceived maliciousness that doesn't really happen but they cry it does...I feel that some leadership choices could potentially ruin the sanctity and security of the site...it would behoove you to find more even tempered candidates that would likely be around often

Everyone I mentioned on the second list depends on how quickly the forum picks up pace, who is posting and where, and a bunch of other factors. As it stands I don't see any need to really make anyone staff at the very VERY start besides a few people that are already staff on here, and one or two IB members. BUT, the rest will follow suit. I understand where your coming from entirely - though I HOPE that lumping you all together will alleviate some drama and I'm preeeeeetty fucking sure it will. A very brazen direct approach is what I think we need here.


Again, tonight. You.

All of you.  ::spin::





But yea seriously, we'll prob have like 5 staff members at tops at the beginning. Also it might be worth telling you that A LOT of the staff we do here on this forum basically hold like 0 to no power whatsoever.


Again, join the discord tonight and listen in, I will answer and address everyone's comments, concerns and ideas.


cant...currently no wifi at house, will be using phone for other needs


im not ok with the choice of "leadership" here...myself included....there are people that are generally referred to as trolls...who are rude, insensitive, offensive that should not be in positions of power...there are also some...that given outside forces or...let's use alcohol as an example....would be the most likely to abuse their position...over perceived maliciousness that doesn't really happen but they cry it does...I feel that some leadership choices could potentially ruin the sanctity and security of the site...it would behoove you to find more even tempered candidates that would likely be around often


I hope you're talking about me with one or both of those examples.


I'm all about that abuse of power.

Guest The Hound

cant...currently no wifi at house, will be using phone for other needs




Guest The Hound

Sponges in discord and confirmed.

Guest The Hound

The UEMB is way better than your proposed boards. Seriously, your idea reminds me of when I was in middle school and tried to orchestrate a gaming magazine with my friends to compete with the big boys. Let it go, Viper, you lost your helper privileges! It's over and done with! :D


B& at the start of the forum. :poop:

Guest The Hound

Mochi confirmed in discord

Guest The Hound

Hey now, let's not put a ring on it just yet.


I want to ride this horse before I buy it.


No No I'm doing this so I know people aren't joining as someone else to troll.

Guest The Hound

Just to let everyone know, I will ban everyone. Even me. Especially me.

Just ban everyone except zeni.

Guest The Hound

Whatever you say baby, I'm still riding that horse.

The horse doesn't have Oblivion Horse armor on it, right?


Well I didn't want to make this public to everyone as well, but the goal is to slowly transition the site into an Adult Swim fan-forum. Slowly.... very.. very slow.

Something Luuv does NOT want. Something I have wanted and multiple people have wanted from the start.


I'll keep my eye on things, then.  I just don't want to get caught up in a forum war.

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