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So how does the next season relate does it start in 1987

Is Jojo older


He was born in 1920, so at the most he'd be 67 in 1987.


Back in the 1950's "lifelong bacehlor" was code for "Gay"


just thought I'd point that out


Unlike today, where it means lifelong bachelor.


Great way to end the arc.  .... if very much racist.

I would just like to repeat the fact that "livelong bachelor" was 50's slang for Gay

so Speedwagon was Gay


If Toonami acquires the license to broadcast Season 2, I'll definitely tune in. But I think that if it happens, it won't be for a while.


I would just like to repeat the fact that "livelong bachelor" was 50's slang for Gay

so Speedwagon was Gay


...... Oh noo nono I was referring to Jojo hating all Japanese.


If Toonami acquires the license to broadcast Season 2, I'll definitely tune in. But I think that if it happens, it won't be for a while.

Agreed, sadly. Really looking forward to the dub once they get it.



Wow what a fate.  Frozen in space and wishing for death but never getting it.  Karz got what he deserved.


Lol JoJo crashes his own funeral. :D


Robot arm!


He married Susie Q. :D You had one job, woman!


Smokey Brown became the first black mayor of a city in Georgis.  Nice.


"Best technology in the world!" :D


Wow we skipped forward a ton of years.  Surprised some of those other time periods wouldn't be utilized.  Well, that clinches it.  Anything after Part 3 is going to have to take place in the future!


Old man JoJo! "I'll never forgive the Japanese!  On the other hand." *gets out Walkman*


Well that was awesome.  Don't wanna wait for Part 3! D:




Just cancel Gundum or Naruto.  Or maybe HxH.

Supposedly the dub isn't ready yet.  I never cared much for Attack on Titan so not looking forward to sitting through it to get back to JoJo.  At least it's only 13 episodes though.


Oh yeah definitely.  Not a fan of the typical Gundam tropes and this series is full of them.  Naruto I watch just to see how shitty it will get.  It's a train wreck! 


Hiatus was so bad I had to break my completionist streak and drop it.


Back in the 1950's "lifelong bacehlor" was code for "Gay"


just thought I'd point that out

Not always.  Didn't have to be a lifelong bachelor to be gay back then, or now, for that matter.

Okay I have spent 20 minutes trying to figure out how that relates to my grandpa thirst and am drawing a blank here. :D


Grandpas love rice pudding, who knows what one might be willing to do for some


etc.  lol


Ah yeah I see where you're coming from now. I am concerned about what kind of strain his heart can take at an old age so I've already picked another main boyfriend for part 3.




( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



Ah yeah I see where you're coming from now. I am concerned about what kind of strain his heart can take at an old age so I've already picked another main boyfriend for part 3.




( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



Very good choice, but hey don't count out grandpa JoStar just yet pluss with age comes experience and he does have a hamon heart


One would have to wonder how a HEART ATTACK killed Speedwagon after having seen immortal vampires, rabid squirrels and mecha-Germans


In 1952 he WAS like 90.


And then a popular 70's band would be named in his honor...

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