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The Biggest Proof i can find is that they didn't even bother making more than 1 Episode Promo For Tokyo Ghoul So I Kept Seeing the same promo that was used to advertise the series premiere on toonami to advertise future episodes....even the narrator claiming it was the premiere of tokyo ghoul on toonami despite 2 episodes having already aired by that point...


Tokyo Ghoul Gets Delayed next week for a double dose of Jojo which i believe will cut into it's momentum big time since it's already not that good or entertaining


i dunno it just seems like Tokyo Ghoul was something they picked up because they had to pick up something with one piece being dumbed suddenly


The Biggest Proof i can find is that they didn't even bother making more than 1 Episode Promo For Tokyo Ghoul So I Kept Seeing the same promo that was used to advertise the series premiere on toonami to advertise future episodes....even the narrator claiming it was the premiere of tokyo ghoul on toonami despite 2 episodes having already aired by that point...


...You mean like every other show on Toonami that isn't named Attack on Titan, Space Dandy, Samurai Jack or Dragon Ball Super?


Tokyo Ghoul Gets Delayed next week for a double dose of Jojo which i believe will cut into it's momentum big time since it's already not that good or entertaining


Toonami did this with Hellsing Ultimate for a Beware the Goddamn Batman marathon.  I doubt Toonami hated Hellsing, so it isn't proof Toonami hates Tokyo Ghoul.


The Biggest Proof i can find is that they didn't even bother making more than 1 Episode Promo For Tokyo Ghoul So I Kept Seeing the same promo that was used to advertise the series premiere on toonami to advertise future episodes....even the narrator claiming it was the premiere of tokyo ghoul on toonami despite 2 episodes having already aired by that point...


Tokyo Ghoul Gets Delayed next week for a double dose of Jojo which i believe will cut into it's momentum big time since it's already not that good or entertaining


i dunno it just seems like Tokyo Ghoul was something they picked up because they had to pick up something with one piece being dumbed suddenly


My biggest issue with promotion is that with most series, the promo disappears after the first week. You think they can still run it a couple times a week to remind people it's on.


They're doing a lot of things to derail momentum lately.  They preempted Samurai Jack and Dragonball Super pointlessly because HURDUR April Fools.  Now they're derailing Tokyo Ghoul's momentum to double up on JoJo to air Attack on Titan faster, because reasons.


Remember all the spiel about not having too many schedule shakeups and keeping the block stable so it doesn't disrupt the viewers' experience and ratings?  So much for that!


My biggest issue with promotion is that with most series, the promo disappears after the first week. You think they can still run it a couple times a week to remind people it's on.

That's a good point.  Most shows on other networks get promoted throughout their run, typically with a "next time on" on type of deal.  This might be difficult with all of the shows Toonami has in such a compacted space, but it couldn't hurt to run those general lineup promos more often.  Maybe after the initial set of promos they figure the lead-ins are enough to keep people around.  And of course, usually if someone likes the first episode of a show they'll tune in for the rest, or at least the next few weeks.  Like a restaurant, you get one first impression.

I really do hope that Tokyo Ghoul was a last minute pickup that they scrambled to grab because One Piece got canceled on short notice, because I feel like if they had more time to plan they could've come up with something better.  Then again the deal could've been inked for a while, and the show came in a bit sooner because One Piece unexpectedly left, so who knows.


They really ought to have adjusted that promo to not imply they have not premiered Tokyo Ghoul yet if they were going to keep using it. I think it's pretty swell that they promoted the show for more than one week though, most Toonami shows don't get that luxury.


They also ought to air the general line-up promos more often.


I don't think Toonami is treating Tokyo Ghoul poorly at all. Had it premiered at 2AM, then you might have some grounds to feel they're just using it for a filler. They seem very intentional with where they air airing Tokyo Ghoul on the line-up particularly in light of it getting Attack on Titan as it's lead-in later this month. Yes it is taken off a week but I think that has more to do with the ease of taking it off for one week and not shifting the rest of the line-up then any lack of interest or faith in the show.


Personally I feel they've given Tokyo Ghoul more than it deserves but if they're going to bother playing anything they shouldn't throw it under the rug on arrival. They certainly have not done that to Tokyo Ghoul and it's about to get the support of brand new Attack on Titan. You can't ask for a better lead-in for the edge lords that will want to watch Tokyo Ghoul.


The Biggest Proof i can find is that they didn't even bother making more than 1 Episode Promo For Tokyo Ghoul So I Kept Seeing the same promo that was used to advertise the series premiere on toonami to advertise future episodes....even the narrator claiming it was the premiere of tokyo ghoul on toonami despite 2 episodes having already aired by that point...


Tokyo Ghoul Gets Delayed next week for a double dose of Jojo which i believe will cut into it's momentum big time since it's already not that good or entertaining


i dunno it just seems like Tokyo Ghoul was something they picked up because they had to pick up something with one piece being dumbed suddenly


They don't make "we'll be right back" promos for Tokyo Ghoul except the one for the first ep?  Probably just bad timing.  I'm sure they'll air new ones every 3 episodes or so, and so far we HAVE only seen 3 episodes on the block.  That, and the delay was just a casuality from the crew trying to balance which shows are ending and which are beginning. 


They really ought to have adjusted that promo to not imply they have not premiered Tokyo Ghoul yet if they were going to keep using it. I think it's pretty swell that they promoted the show for more than one week though, most Toonami shows don't get that luxury.


They also ought to air the general line-up promos more often.


I don't think Toonami is treating Tokyo Ghoul poorly at all. Had it premiered at 2AM, then you might have some grounds to feel they're just using it for a filler. They seem very intentional with where they air airing Tokyo Ghoul on the line-up particularly in light of it getting Attack on Titan as it's lead-in later this month. Yes it is taken off a week but I think that has more to do with the ease of taking it off for one week and not shifting the rest of the line-up then any lack of interest or faith in the show.


Personally I feel they've given Tokyo Ghoul more than it deserves but if they're going to bother playing anything they shouldn't throw it under the rug on arrival. They certainly have not done that to Tokyo Ghoul and it's about to get the support of brand new Attack on Titan. You can't ask for a better lead-in for the edge lords that will want to watch Tokyo Ghoul.


Tokyo Ghoul does seem like an ..... odd duck on the block. As opposed to the other shows except for the one in the rerun slot at 3 AM, the Tokyo Ghoul anime has been finished for like 2 years now, and people could just watch the exact same dub on home video and on Funimation's site now.  It isn't just any kind of TV or States premiere, just a TOONAMI premiere.  The crew likes to aim for as new a dub for their shows as possible, so why go for an anime dub that has been legally available for a long time? 


Several months ago, Demarco had a Twitter poll asking what series people wanted on Toonami before. Between Tokyo Ghoul, Mob Psycho 100, Lupin Part IV, and "Other", Tokyo Ghoul won. At least, I think it did.


Several months ago, Demarco had a Twitter poll asking what series people wanted on Toonami before. Between Tokyo Ghoul, Mob Psycho 100, Lupin Part IV, and "Other", Tokyo Ghoul won. At least, I think it did.


Actually I remember this being talked about.  Tokyo Ghoul was definitely the one that won. 


It's a shame Lupin III isn't popular amount American anime fans.  It's got a lot of similarities to spy/heist movies, and the animation is very Western too.  Not many people realize that the "III" in his name is derived from his being descended from a French detective who is as popular there as Sherlock Holmes is to us.


But that was years ago.  Is it still being highly requested now?


Yes, unlike with some shows that were heavily requested and then demand fizzled out, Tokyo Ghoul has remained heavily requested since it entered the market. Psycho-Pass demand has persisted as well. It was allegedly the third most requested show last Summer around when they got One-Punch Man.


Ghoul and Lupin over say...  Re Zero and My hero Academia? Or ... Konosuba?


I'm not sure who is voting on that... but wow.


It does explain some of Toonami's questionable programming decisions though.


I'd say Lupin III Part 4 still has a shot at that 2 AM timeslot Gundam Unicorn's about to vacate in June.


From Discotek's perspective, they'd probably be grateful to get one of their dubs on Toonami in any timeslot and would give them a decent price for it!


No clue if it would be a dub premiere by then, but who the hell really cares at 2 AM? Even if it is, it would follow another dub premiere at 1:30 (HxH).


Oh wow, could have sworn Tokyo Ghoul won that.


Oh well, at least most people who voted in that had good taste.

Toonami always chooses the runner up


it's like when they chose Kill La Kill over Sailor Moon


Toonami always chooses the runner up


it's like when they chose Kill La Kill over Sailor Moon


How in the hell is that even relevant? Oh right, it came out in July 2014, but do you really believe Viz would have had a dub ready by February 2015?


Besides, suuuuuuuuuuuuure they always choose the runner-up. Dragon Ball Super and One-Punch Man are runner-ups to what exactly?


Toonami always chooses the runner up


it's like when they chose Kill La Kill over Sailor Moon


is that your silly way of saying you would have preferred sailor moon over kill la kill? cause that's a very dumb way of putting it.


Toonami always chooses the runner up


it's like when they chose Kill La Kill over Sailor Moon


You are salty as fuck over the fact that they got like...Triggers most hyped show for adults over a show for kids.  Uber salty.


You are salty as fuck over the fact that they got like...Triggers most hyped show for adults over a show for kids.  Uber salty.


By kids do you mean little girls? =P


You are salty as fuck over the fact that they got like...Triggers most hyped show for adults over a show for kids. Uber salty.





Sailor Moon was just about as lewd as Kill la Kill was


Little boys like Sailor Moon too. It gave them their first erection  :fap:


I ain't touching that.


But KLK aired...and was successful.


for that matter


NOTHING Toonami has EVER aired was really a kids show


take Tenchi for Example, it's a show about a bunch of women trying to rape their nephew



Seems there's a thing for red heads going on around here.


There are a tonna red heads in cartoons in general.  It catches the eye, is exciting to look at, and red-headed female main characters are lovely!


After sitting through three episodes for it, I don't really care how well it's being treated. It's not a good show. I give zero fucks about the M.C. or the other characters. I can't even be bothered to remember their names. They're that forgettable.


I understand that One Piece had to be let go, but they basically replaced it with an inferior, cookie cutter anime that is incredibly inferior to the manga it was based on.


Ghoul and Lupin over say...  Re Zero and My hero Academia? Or ... Konosuba?


I'm not sure who is voting on that... but wow.


It does explain some of Toonami's questionable programming decisions though.

I've been thinking from the beginning that they should've gotten Re:Zero instead.  It's supposed to be pretty good and it has cute girls in it!  I've heard that it would be difficult to localize because it's "too Japanese," though.  Not sure how true that is though.


Yeah, they often try to honor what the fans want.  But the fans don't always want... good things.


After sitting through three episodes for it, I don't really care how well it's being treated. It's not a good show. I give zero fucks about the M.C. or the other characters. I can't even be bothered to remember their names. They're that forgettable.


I understand that One Piece had to be let go, but they basically replaced it with an inferior, cookie cutter anime that is incredibly inferior to the manga it was based on.

Yeah, replacing One Piece with something like that is like rubbing salt on the wound.  I could deal with it a little better if the new show was something more palatable.

You are salty as fuck over the fact that they got like...Triggers most hyped show for adults over a show for kids.  Uber salty.

Besides the fact that Kill la Kill was way more requested, he's leaving out that they tried to get Crystal and Hulu outbid them on it.

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