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Good... Now stay away from Higurashi Kira.

Chaika: Avenging Battle 3 and Evangelion 18.


Shinji's pupil suddenly shrinking after he sees Toji being pulled from the Unit 03's entry plug always gives me the chills. Very inspirational.


2 hours ago, Delaclease said:

W'z 2


Yep, this is definitely Hand Shakers for those who aren't ready for what Hand Shakers has to offer and want to get used to something similar but different first.




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Hana no Uta's better anyways, from what I hear.

If you watch that next, make sure to see the Hoshi no Umi OVA between episodes 8 and 9. Don't make the same mistake I did and skip it by accident.


I knew there was a more recent version of it, but doubt that I'll have a chance to see that anytime soon since it looks like it's unlicensed. I'm just watching various stuff on HIDIVE right now. Stuff that I've mostly overlooked in the past.

Kissdum R Engage Planet 1

Okay, what the hell was that? Besides a complete and total mess I mean. That's gotta be one of the most nonsensical first episodes of any anime I've ever seen. Usually you take a little time to introduce a cast or story before having all hell break loose. That's a freakin huge red flag there to me, so enough of that.


Grave of the Fireflies

This managed to be the first work of fiction I've ever consumed that made me cry real tears. Granted, I guess I wasn't in the best mood for the day prior to watching it, but my rather robotic responses to watching media have made me wonder if I'll ever be able to "get" something traditionally. I've always wondered if my autism has had to do with it, but in this case, hell no.

But yeah... this was some g-o-o-d s-h-i-t. It's a great anti-war film, and now I can give people uncomfortable stares when they ask me about Ghibli films and what was the first one I ever watched. Do be aware of what you're getting into with this one, though. It doesn't even have that many scenes of actual war (and no nuclear incidents, so Poke can rest easy on it), but it's very much a movie that builds up its characters with very soft and tender moments, only to utterly destroy you when their lives get tossed into the grinder of wartime Japan's final throes. And I can't say it's a film that intentionally plays the heartstrings when it's is based on an autobiographical experience that actually happened.

10/10. Major props to anyone doing the hard work so that something like this can never happen again.


Love, Election & Chocolate 4 - 12 & OVA

Sweet. I wasn't expecting to find political intrgue in my chocolate. :) I was afraid I was going to get caramel.  I hate caramel. No seriously, I really do hate caramel. But that was unexpectedly really really good, or as Matsushita would say... average. LOL Maybe even... gasp!... better than average! :o Woah, I don't know if I'd seriously go that far, but for a moment I was thinking this might turn into another generic harem school comedy. Glad I was mistaken.


Tari Tari 1 - 3
Land of the Lustrous 1 - 4

Land of the Lustrous certainly has some amazing looking animation, unlike pretty much anything I've ever seen before. I'd love to watch the rest of it now, but I've seen enough to know I'll definitely get the blu-ray for it later on.

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W'z 1

The animation is kinda ugly (the 3D animation at least) but the story is okay so far.

I've noticed people mention this is similar to Hand Shakers and K on MAL but I've never seen those anime

so that means nothing to me.


Made in Abyss 5 - 13

Damn, I should have stopped at episode 4. That was great, but seeing that much just makes having to wait for season 2 for answers that much more frustrating.

Shirobako 1 & 2

Watching this feels like how I imagine someone who loves sausage feels going to a sausage making factory, so that's enough of this one for me.


Gate 1 - 12

Wow, this show is so patently stupid. I admit it didn't really dawn on me just how much so though until just now, probably because I've been watching the episodes in such quick succession and didn't really take the time to stop and think that much about it before. But I can't believe how matter-of-factly and without question they just accept the existence of certain things, say like the gate itself. It's become kind of like a train wreck I can't look away from now though cuz I'm curious as to whether they're ever going to address some of this stuff, even if I'm pretty confident they won't.

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