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It's not really all that "dumb" when you look past that and see exactly where the myth is taking people in terms of our government.  Cigarettes are still not contraband. That means that the use of them is an individual choice to make, just like you choose what to eat or choose what color to paint your dining room.  What Gov want to do is chisel away, very slowly and gradually like the proverbial slow boiled frog, all of your individual choices.  They started by banning smoke on public transportation and in government buildings and later graduated to bans in privately owned vehicles and privately owned properties such as malls and banks.  Now, the proposal is to ban indoor smoking, even at home and away from the public.  But, once they get away with that by continuing to spout so many specious allegations about the smell or the health effects on people while NOBODY has one solitary molecule of evidence to support the claims, the next thing to go would be many of the other choices you make, such as how big your toilet tank is allowed to be, the type of lighting you're allowed to use or even having the government control your thermostat by radio signal.  You won't recognize this nation in forty years.  And you'll be sitting here, typing to people who call you stupid just for knowing things can be better if you could just push all the regulations down the commode.  Me?  I'm just in here trying to awaken somebody.

[/quote] I know damn well cigarette smoke produces a smell.I'm not gonna entertain the idea that it doesn't  but I also think non-smokers need to get over themselves and not have a bitch fit everytime they smell it


When can we start arguing whether the sky is blue or not?


Right now.


The atmosphere also traps ulraviolet radiation, which can be seen by some animals, like butterflies and birds. To say that the sky is blue is to be anthropocentric, which is a conditioned response to, um . . . well, I tried.


But, once they get away with that by continuing to spout so many specious allegations about the smell or the health effects on people while NOBODY has one solitary molecule of evidence to support the claims


So you're one of those people that believe smoking as no negative effects on your health? You really are an idiot.


When you wind up contracting a sickness linked to smoking, I suppose you'll just blame all those toxic fumes from toilet bowl cleaners.


It's not really all that "dumb" when you look past that and see exactly where the myth is taking people in terms of our government.  Cigarettes are still not contraband. That means that the use of them is an individual choice to make, just like you choose what to eat or choose what color to paint your dining room.  What Gov want to do is chisel away, very slowly and gradually like the proverbial slow boiled frog, all of your individual choices.  They started by banning smoke on public transportation and in government buildings and later graduated to bans in privately owned vehicles and privately owned properties such as malls and banks.  Now, the proposal is to ban indoor smoking, even at home and away from the public.  But, once they get away with that by continuing to spout so many specious allegations about the smell or the health effects on people while NOBODY has one solitary molecule of evidence to support the claims, the next thing to go would be many of the other choices you make, such as how big your toilet tank is allowed to be, the type of lighting you're allowed to use or even having the government control your thermostat by radio signal.  You won't recognize this nation in forty years.  And you'll be sitting here, typing to people who call you stupid just for knowing things can be better if you could just push all the regulations down the commode.  Me?  I'm just in here trying to awaken somebody.


No, it really is that fucking dumb.


It is a good thing most of us aren't taking it serious.

At least not until you wake up at 5:00am with some jerk from the government who has a search warrant for your house.  Seems that some of the things you had once taken for granted have been deemed contraband.

At least not until you wake up at 5:00am with some jerk from the government who has a search warrant for your house.  Seems that some of the things you had once taken for granted have been deemed contraband.


God, you sound like mochi.


They aren't going to make cigarettes illegal, they're not going to make smoking in your own house illegal, and they're not going to round up all you smokers and put you in a camp.


If you sincerely think that they will, then you're literally dumber than a sack of hammers.


Nope, you're last......We're going out as the first Jewish/Black mass murdering internet couple.

I'm down with that. Do we kill each other at the end?  I don't want any of this nonsense though


Indeed... if a space station explodes and its toilet seat plummets to Earth, smashing my head.


So, that's our ideal way to die, eh? Of course it involves toilets.


Nah, we are going to tie ourselves together and jump off the Statue of Liberty.


You're not gonna cheat me/

Damn, that's gonna hurt but as long as we splat together it's cool.

I might even light myself on fire too go out like a true boss >:D


So, that's our ideal way to die, eh? Of course it involves toilets.

Well... It worked for George.  Nothing like Old Man Fate shaking the snow globe to deal somebody a new hand.

I can't understand how this garbage pile of a thread had gone 230 posts.




You could always leave and go hang out in one of your threads with 5 replies.......Sounds like a good time to me.

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