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The Relationship Between Loss of Reproductive Rights and the Uptick of Child Labor…

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I know Sponges mentioned the rise of child labor and deregulation before but it’s really getting crazy. A McDonald’s in KY had workers as young as ten operating deep fryers and they pay below min or not at all


Mickey D’s was fined a laughable amount. Like a wink amount. Our government basically did the bare minimum, therefore giving this hell corp the ok to keep doin it 


why not give these jobs to adult migrants instead of children?


People are being forced to give birth to supply a future labor force. In the not so distant future Juvenile detention centers, group homes and residential treatment centers will be run and operated by corporations that will put children to work and probably offer less than 100 hours of education a year.   This will lock in entire uneducated voting blocks of people that will vote the way they’re told to. These people play the long game. They don’t care if it will take 50 years to get their way. As long as it happens they’re good. We’re going back to the Oliver Twist times, but instead of gruel, Oliver will be asking for another burger or some more fries. 

Definitely not a coincidence that reproductive rights and child labor laws are being dismantled at the same time. It’s gross and D states are doin it too. (Looking at you NJ) At least in NJ you can get an abortion so it’s not a complete devolution of decency and morality like in Arkansas, Iowa and Kentucky 

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I'm more than happy to jump on this, but my brand of crazy may be too much....

IDK, how it is in NY, but in Texoma, I get at least 2 Amber alerts a week. It why I've become grossly stuck to my kids. I feel like they are being led to slavery because many teens aren't choosing Micky D's as their go to for a first job.... they're instead trying their hands at internet influencer.....which is also their end game.  Most of these kids have no desire to ever actually work.

So to counter this, AI is being used at the forefront, to make it appear automation is the way of the future, but the tech isn't there, and isn't profitable as is.....but free kids are. So everyone is clamoring over AI, meanwhile, none of these missing children are ever found.

I've been meaning to look into the adoption process and what happens to children that fall through the cracks....are they in a BK kitchen washing dishes only to be shipped back to some prison like facility so we can keep getting burgers 2 for 3.

But I can get even nuttier later....but may confine that to TD.


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I don’t get that many amber alerts but with how shit is I def can’t rule out children being kidnapped for exploitative labor.  Remember pizza gate?  The crazy conspiracy that in a DC pizza parlor they were operating a huge pedo ring for the elite. If we operate under the theory “every accusation from the right is a confession” then yeah. Totally believable

  • Like 2
4 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said:

I don’t get that many amber alerts but with how shit is I def can’t rule out children being kidnapped for exploitative labor.  Remember pizza gate?  The crazy conspiracy that in a DC pizza parlor they were operating a huge pedo ring for the elite. If we operate under the theory “every accusation from the right is a confession” then yeah. Totally believable

I got 3 this week...I would post about it if it weren't so fucking sad....but I may start dumping them in TD because it's a lot.

But, just to counter my own claim....I'd say about 40% are infants....so I assume some sort of custody shit.....but a lot of teenage boys have come up missing lately.....

When it was girls, I assumed the sex trade....which you can't necessarily excuse just because they're boys....I mean, Madonna is still out there, but it seems more plausible that they are being used for labor.

That's my last one...in this thread.....I think

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1 minute ago, André Toulon said:

I got 3 this week...I would post about it if it weren't so fucking sad....but I may start dumping them in TD because it's a lot.

But, just to counter my own claim....I'd say about 40% are infants....so I assume some sort of custody shit.....but a lot of teenage boys have come up missing lately.....

When it was girls, I assumed the sex trade....which you can't necessarily excuse just because they're boys....I mean, Madonna is still out there, but it seems more plausible that they are being used for labor.

That's my last one...in this thread.....I think

I can just move this to TD. 

most abductions end up being some sort of custody dispute.  The sex trade can’t be discounted regardless of age and gender. 

Abductions for labor, if that’s happening, won’t have to happen anymore if people are forced to birth babies that they’re gonna give up immediately.  Back in the day all over the world, unwed teenage moms were tricked or forced to sign over their parental rights. States go back to that  and in no time corporations will grab up children and those future facilities I’m talking about will definitely happen.  

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It's funny how framing a perfectly rational (albeit horrifying) concept as cause-and-effect makes it sound crazy.  No one who advocates against reproductive rights really considers the consequences of that stance, and the children who inevitably end up as under- or unpaid workers aren't there because they're being groomed for it.  The totality of circumstances nonetheless make it so that there are hardly any viable pathways for an unwanted child beyond early, menial labor because of the added impediments of being displaced at an early age.

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I believe male sperm counts are lowering to the point where medical intervention will be needed for viable pregnancies of near future generations because of petrochemicals in food.

So considering the GOP attitude towards universal healthcare, this plan isn't gonna work long-term. Oh well.

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Insipid said:

I believe male sperm counts are lowering to the point where medical intervention will be needed for viable pregnancies of near future generations because of petrochemicals in food.

So considering the GOP attitude towards universal healthcare, this plan isn't gonna work long-term. Oh well.

The government knows this is happening and that’s probably another reason they are removing reproductive rights. Too bad the government cares more about corporations than they do for the constituency.  The US allows so much poisonous shit in our food and other products that other countries out right ban. It’s scary and also the reason we will never have universal healthcare 

  • Thanks 1
5 hours ago, André Toulon said:


I've been meaning to look into the adoption process and what happens to children that fall through the cracks....are they in a BK kitchen washing dishes only to be shipped back to some prison like facility so we can keep getting burgers 2 for 3.


If you are in foster care and unadopted by age 18, you are basically turned out into the street. If you are lucky, you might qualify for some form of assistance to get housing or a job or something if you have a caseworker that isn't stretched thin but most places don't have the funds to help everyone that ages out. You are on your own. 

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Some of this child labor deregulation even calls to exclude them from workers’ compensation or exclude liability of the company if the child dies

I recently learned that most of our child labor laws didn’t apply to agriculture. A farmer could literally hire an entire family of migrants to work a field. Don’t even have to let them go to school. 

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2 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said:

Some of this child labor deregulation even calls to exclude them from workers’ compensation or exclude liability of the company if the child dies

I recently learned that most of our child labor laws didn’t apply to agriculture. A farmer could literally hire an entire family of migrants to work a field. Don’t even have to let them go to school. 

The agriculture thing dates back to the turn of last century and was never updated as things progressed. Farm kids could be exempted from having to attend school if there was a harvest going on. I still remember there were kids in my class that could opt to be out of school during harvest. Now it's just 'extended' to migrant families in order to keep the kids around as extra hands. 

3 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said:

The places I was in as a kid could keep you until 21 and then you’re on your own. 

It was 18 when I was in the system. But I had a good caseworker that got me on some sort of list for a special fund to help poor little disowned waifs through to their 21st birthday pay for most of their textbooks as long as they were in college. 

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4 minutes ago, katt_goddess said:

The agriculture thing dates back to the turn of last century and was never updated as things progressed. Farm kids could be exempted from having to attend school if there was a harvest going on. I still remember there were kids in my class that could opt to be out of school during harvest. Now it's just 'extended' to migrant families in order to keep the kids around as extra hands. 

It was 18 when I was in the system. But I had a good caseworker that got me on some sort of list for a special fund to help poor little disowned waifs through to their 21st birthday pay for most of their textbooks as long as they were in college. 

I wasn’t there until 21 but I knew a few people that were, but they were there from young, like 6,7 yo. and usually had other things that either prevented adoption, foster homes or being placed in a group home with less restrictions than where I was.  In the future the place I was at will be sponsored but the corp that runs all the fast food places like Pizza Hut subway and Taco Bell 

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Seriously there’s tons of fear mongering goin on over how there’s no labor force how no one wants to work. They need to resort to hiring 12 year olds because it’s so bad. Like damn if only there were adults from other countries that wanted to come here and work. We could save our precious children from falling into meat grinders.  

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Reproductive rights were never about protecting the baby.  Not if we’re gonna put a fry basket in their hands as soon as they emerge from the womb 

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4 minutes ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

Have they tried checking the black hole where they send everyone's resumes without looking at them?

Just to tie this all into yet another fearmongering point, ironically, one of the areas where AI really is causing real world problems.

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4 minutes ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

Have they tried checking the black hole where they send everyone's resumes without looking at them?

Absolutely not

neil degrasse tyson television GIF by Animation Domination High-Def

  • Haha 3
1 minute ago, rpgamer said:

Just to tie this all into yet another fearmongering point, ironically, one of the areas where AI really is causing real world problems.

AI whose only job is to eliminate resumes, based off of who knows what, so the humans don’t have to do it. 

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1 hour ago, PenguinBoss said:

I know it's a generic response at this point, but it was always pro-birth, never pro-life.

At this point they don’t even hide that that’s the case. Some states the legislators raise their own meal allowances on the same day they deny free school lunches.   They remove child labor protection and refuse to do anything to prevent them from getting gunned down in our schools.   

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  • 2 months later...
3 minutes ago, Top Gun said:

Expressions say it all, don't they?

Looks familiar.

The haunting photographs of early 20th century American child workers ...

Half these kids were already smoking and drinking to get through their days. This was the last time child labor was considered okay in the last '20's. 

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30 minutes ago, Icarus27k said:

Yayyyy.... :LithiumSmileyIndifferent:Screenshot_20230801-194911.thumb.png.6d56965dc50212ba32fa3e2eb2dd58ad.png

Sarah Huckabee Sanders isn’t even the worst of it but it’s funny that they claim all the labor laws still apply but they just don’t need working papers anymore.

a lot of companies have received fines for child labor violations which makes me wonder if some of these states are just trying to make it easier for corporations to hire children 


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1 hour ago, katt_goddess said:

Yeah, those kids all look super jazzed. 

Like 'Christmas Sock full of lima beans' jazzed.

Chances seem better those kids are just from other rich-ass families and will never see a day of work in their life. Side-pot says they're already working their way towards a drug-fueled life.

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