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Found some old crap in the woods today

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Does anyone know what this is? There were quite a few of them lying around. Seems like something that should be obvious but I have no idea. Like heavy iron rods with screw on glass pieces? I don't...think they're light fixtures? 

Blue piece unrelated I think. It's a different shape and color than all the other glass that was attached to these rods. 


Posted (edited)

Also found this neat little plastic box, not sure what it's for. Pills? Is this a pillbox? That's an old term I remember reading at some point.



And a vintage Sprite can that I can't find online. Most of the old ones I'm finding on google have like a little sparkly star dotting the i



Thinking these are steel cans? Since they're still intact and not all degraded. I tried reading about the history of cans to date these things but it was super boring





Some mountain dew bottles in their native east TN environs



Deodorant spray can that was heavier than it looks




Some sun-warped melty glass bottles & jars






Come clean up your shit, Dow. I forget what they changed their name to after the decades of horrible press from basically poisoning the country...pretty sure it's the villainous company from The Yes Men Save The World, that corporate prankster group that was big around the late 2000s doing hidden camera antics in the vein of ImprovEverywhere and that sort of crap but more political, does anyone remember that?

Buncha other crap too but these are the highlights.

And unrelated but here's a big black widow that I see a lot. There's a bunch that live in little drain holes in this low wall that runs along the sidewalk but this guy is always just out in the open. Found one in the woods today too under a piece of wood. So creepy, not even just bc they're poisonous they just look so fucking shiny and sharp and evil vs most other spiders. Reminds me of the alien from Alien. And they have the shittiest webs



Happy Fall everyone, it's so nice outside right now. Get out and enjoy it before winter deprives us of fresh air and vitamin D for four months.

Edited by Nope

Well while I'm here may as well share some mushrooms too. There's like, literally dozens of varieties that have been popping up this month after all the rain we got. Reminds me of those deserts that every so many years bloom into fields of wildflowers for a few weeks and then they all disappear and the landscape returns to it's regular boring state.












32 minutes ago, Seight said:

Based on these pictures I am almost 100% certain you've stumbled upon the outskirts of some mountain man's hovel. 

Yeah there's like, a double digit number of old vehicles on the nearby property.


The little plastic box is for either a ring or a pair of earrings - it's missing the fuzzy cardboard part that the jewelry would stick in.

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7 hours ago, Nope said:

Does anyone know what this is? There were quite a few of them lying around. Seems like something that should be obvious but I have no idea. Like heavy iron rods with screw on glass pieces? I don't...think they're light fixtures? 

Blue piece unrelated I think. It's a different shape and color than all the other glass that was attached to these rods. 


Old glass insulators for power lines


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1 hour ago, molarbear said:

Old glass insulators for power lines


Thanks! This has bothered me all morning, and now I can stop thinking about it.

2 hours ago, molarbear said:

Old glass insulators for power lines

God as soon as you said it I could picture it. I knew I knew that shape. Thank you for this.

Makes sense since the only way I got there was by following the cleared path around powerlines cut through the woods. 

4 minutes ago, BooThickemz said:

Nabs, you should let that black widow bite you to see if you turn into hoboman.

Maybe within the neurotoxin of black widow venom lies the cure to deeply embedded transphobia? You know like maybe it dissolves away whatever sick nerve endings in the brain which cause someone act like a hateful piece of shit in that particular way? It's a long shot but if I were you I'd be trying just about anything and everything by this point. Fight poison with poison you know??

Posted (edited)
18 minutes ago, Nope said:

Maybe within the neurotoxin of black widow venom lies the cure to deeply embedded transphobia? You know like maybe it dissolves away whatever sick nerve endings in the brain which cause someone act like a hateful piece of shit in that particular way? It's a long shot but if I were you I'd be trying just about anything and everything by this point. Fight poison with poison you know??

Lol, if that is the only rebuttal you can come back with. I guess i can play with you.

I know of one transphobic thing i have spewed purposely and it was towards rogue’s girlfriend and it was retaliatory and tasteless. I own it and it was garbage. My mindset is different.

If you are speaking of how i treat RACG, nothing i have said is indicative to trans people or to her being trans. I just think she is a bull dog necked bitch who speaks about being a woman superficially. I question her at this point.

But you are the same, Nabs. Skating by on life by eating shit out of the dumpster and acquiring pinworms. You’re life’s pinworms. When you’re done sucking penny tasting dicks under a bridge for cas…change (you’re probably too lazy to give good top), you post here. I would not put it past you to sell those scraps for change to buy fritos and a mountain dew, in which you can piss in the bottle later instead of your bed.

Fuck out my face.

Edited by BooThickemz
2 minutes ago, BooThickemz said:

Fuck out my face.

Sorry you're so mad but don't come into my thread about nice fall pictures and forest trash acting crazy, crazy.

Just now, Nope said:

Sorry you're so mad but don't come into my thread about nice fall pictures and forest trash acting crazy, crazy.

Come correctly, Nabs.

you don’t want no smoke

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7 hours ago, Ric said:

Are those Mellow Yellow cans? I forgot that shit ever existed.

Still does actually if you go to the right convenience store.

Posted (edited)
On 9/24/2021 at 2:40 AM, Nope said:

Does anyone know what this is? There were quite a few of them lying around. Seems like something that should be obvious but I have no idea. Like heavy iron rods with screw on glass pieces? I don't...think they're light fixtures? 

Blue piece unrelated I think. It's a different shape and color than all the other glass that was attached to these rods. 


Maybe parts of an old lighting rod system.  A Google Lens search indicates they may have been used as insulators on an electric fence.

Edited by Commander McBelch
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