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Looks painful, how did you do that?......I've made a lot more yellow snow over the years than I have red snow.


I was sighting in my 9mm and was so focused on that, that I didn't realize my thumb had made its way up too high on the grip and when I fired the slide kicked back and caught my thumb.


My Smith&Wesson has a little rest on it to prevent that... but it's also a 4 times more expensive weapon :D


I was sighting in my 9mm and was so focused on that, that I didn't realize my thumb had made its way up too high on the grip and when I fired the slide kicked back and caught my thumb.


My Smith&Wesson has a little rest on it to prevent that... but it's also a 4 times more expensive weapon :D


Should have filmed it, coulda made it on Tosh.0


Should have filmed it, coulda made it on Tosh.0


I didn't even know my thumb got cut... I knew it got bumped by the slide but I didn't think anything of it. I just lowered my grip, fired off two more rounds and blood started gushing everywhere. It wasn't a "Tosh.0 moment" :P


ouch, Cut my pointer finger through the bone one time. All that was holding it on was the bottom flap of skin. I remember them sewing it on hurt worse than cutting it off lol. Really I barely felt cutting into it since the blade was so sharp. I did feel it but thought I just nicked it until I looked at it. Yeah thumb injuries suck though, one of those things you'll realize how much you actually use them for when it hurts to actually use it.


Electrical tape and a paper towel until I got home :D

:D :D :D

I'm only laughing at this cuz my boyfriend does the same thing. Comes home from work with tape on every fucked up finger : o


ouch, Cut my pointer finger through the bone one time. All that was holding it on was the bottom flap of skin. I remember them sewing it on hurt worse than cutting it off lol. Really I barely felt cutting into it since the blade was so sharp. I did feel it but thought I just nicked it until I looked at it. Yeah thumb injuries suck though, one of those things you'll realize how much you actually use them for when it hurts to actually use it.


I shoulda gotten stitches... my only fear is that I chipped  the bone. It's been swelled all day today.


:D :D :D

I'm only laughing at this cuz my boyfriend does the same thing. Comes home from work with tape on every fucked up finger : o


Had it not been spewing blood I woulda left it open :D


Wall it off  :|




I mean I rode back out of the woods on an ATV and loaded the ATV's which included hooking up a trailer, THEN went home and unloaded them and put them in the shed... then finally cleaned the cut in the shower...


I cut my thumb on contaminated broken glass at work and even though I had a bunch of gauze to put on it, it just kept bleeding through, so I finally went the the clinic to get stitches (on worker's comp's dime).  So they shot it up with lidocaine, then walked me over to a sink, handed me a little scrub brush with betadine all over it and told me to scrub it out until they got back.  whut 


I was like, wait, isn't that your job?  Anyway, got 4 stitches, a huge-ass cartoon thumb bandage, and it was all good.  It didn't even leave a scar, which surprised me, but my thumb still feels weird where the nerves were cut.


The thing that actually surprised me most was that the doctor was totally against having any bandage on it after the first couple of days.  He was all about open-air, and given the outcome, he seems to be right.  It makes me wonder about those "cuts with Bandaids heal 2-3 days sooner than cuts without" ads.  Seems to be the opposite, so how come the FDA isn't all up in their face about it?


Just rub some dirt in it.

It'll be alright.


But seriously, just keep an eye on it in case of infection.


It did get dirt on it but yeah, considering the work I did today I kept it clean :P


I cut my thumb on contaminated broken glass at work and even though I had a bunch of gauze to put on it, it just kept bleeding through, so I finally went the the clinic to get stitches (on worker's comp's dime).  So they shot it up with lidocaine, then walked me over to a sink, handed me a little scrub brush with betadine all over it and told me to scrub it out until they got back.  whut 


I was like, wait, isn't that your job?  Anyway, got 4 stitches, a huge-ass cartoon thumb bandage, and it was all good.  It didn't even leave a scar, which surprised me, but my thumb still feels weird where the nerves were cut.


The thing that actually surprised me most was that the doctor was totally against having any bandage on it after the first couple of days.  He was all about open-air, and given the outcome, he seems to be right.  It makes me wonder about those "cuts with Bandaids heal 2-3 days sooner than cuts without" ads.  Seems to be the opposite, so how come the FDA isn't all up in their face about it?


I heal fast, but I heal a LOT faster if I leave it open.. as long as I don't pick the scab or keep busting it open...  >:D


I shoulda gotten stitches... my only fear is that I chipped  the bone. It's been swelled all day today.


First off smell your finger. If it has a sour or bad smell to it then go to a doctor right away because it's infected and you'll need antibiotics. If it doesn't have a sour smell then it's just swollen you can still manage it yourself.


Go to CVS or any local drug store and but a thumb splint. The good ones will cover your thumb and wrist, and run around $15-$30 range. Also get a thing of goz and rubbing alcohol. Clean the wound then dab it dry gently with a cloth before wrapping it with goz. After that just put the splint on over it. Take off the goz and reapply every 5hrs to keep it from getting too moist. You don't want to overuse rubbing alcohol because it also kills your cells that are trying to heal your wound.    After it has scabbed well usually a 3-7 days,  start putting neosporin or Vaseline on it.



I have actually delt with worse. An old friend of mine once cut himself pretty bad with a chiansaw on his arm. He tried sewing it himself, but the idiot used copper wire! It turned his skin all green and crusty. I was like dude wtf they may have to cut off your arm if that keeps up. He still refused to go to the hospital, but agreed for me to take care of it. Gave him some booze and told him this was going to suck. I had to take wire cutters to cut cut the wire, and had to cut out a large amount of skin and flesh that had turned green, it smelled horrible and was starting to puss. Cleaned all that out and sewed as best I could with some fishing line that I soaked in alcohol. It left an indented scar but he kept his arm at least, not that it helped him all that much seeing as he died two years ago when he fell while cutting branches.


First off smell your finger. If it has a sour or bad smell to it then go to a doctor right away because it's infected and you'll need antibiotics. If it doesn't have a sour smell then it's just swollen you can still manage it yourself.


Go to CVS or any local drug store and but a thumb splint. The good ones will cover your thumb and wrist, and run around $15-$30 range. Also get a thing of goz and rubbing alcohol. Clean the wound then dab it dry gently with a cloth before wrapping it with goz. After that just put the splint on over it. Take off the goz and reapply every 5hrs to keep it from getting too moist. You don't want to overuse rubbing alcohol because it also kills your cells that are trying to heal your wound.    After it has scabbed well usually a 3-7 days,  start putting neosporin or Vaseline on it.



I have actually delt with worse. An old friend of mine once cut himself pretty bad with a chiansaw on his arm. He tried sewing it himself, but the idiot used copper wire! It turned his skin all green and crusty. I was like dude wtf they may have to cut off your arm if that keeps up. He still refused to go to the hospital, but agreed for me to take care of it. Gave him some booze and told him this was going to suck. I had to take wire cutters to cut cut the wire, and had to cut out a large amount of skin and flesh that had turned green, it smelled horrible and was starting to puss. Cleaned all that out and sewed as best I could with some fishing line that I soaked in alcohol. It left an indented scar but he kept his arm at least, not that it helped him all that much seeing as he died two years ago when he fell while cutting branches.


It's already mostly scabbed over and i can fully bend my thumb today with little pain, and all my swelling is gone. I heal fast :P


Dude, that sucks :(


i wanna see the blood. the guns, too.


Okay so.


When it happened



How I patched it



2 hours later



2 days later and the gun... AND LOOK HOW MUCH IT HEALED! Still in pain though... and theres an odd bump under my skin


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