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What are some of your most frightening spider encounters?

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One I'll never forget was when I either 6 or 7 seven years old, I was taking bath just chilln' and from out of nowhere there's this huge ugly ass brown spider right in the tub with me. I couldn't get the hell out of there fast enough. Needless to say that ruined baths for me a long time. To this day I make sure to check the tub for spiders before getting in :|



I mean, I have several but the 2 that stick with me is once I was sleeping on the floor at the casino I was working at and I just randomly woke up and this huge budonkodonk spider was just chilling by my face. I fucking freaked and didn't sleep at work again for mont...wee....the rest of that night.

Another was after hurricane Katrina, I only had a power supply to power necessities....which were the tv, the playstation and the heater. I don't need lights. But I was in bed and something said "hey derrick, look at the floor" and sure enough, a huge fucking spider...which I assume noticed me as I peered over my bed and he took the fuck off. 

With it being virtually impossible to see him anywhere other than in my room by the glow of the TV, I just sat up staring at the floor for hours hoping to get a chance to kill it.

I think I have spider Spidey sense...I know when them mfers are around

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My house is full of different spiders that spin webs, mostly house spiders and brown widows, occasionally I'll see this really small type of spider whose ID idek suspend down from the ceiling on a single thread, and I am more than cool with all of them. I like having them all around my house, I enjoy them, I know they mean no harm and aren't capable of it. 

But what I can't stand are the kind of spiders that don't have webs being in my house. Big ass wolf spiders. Brown recluses. That's the shit that freaks me out. 

Scariest one is when I was a teenager and suddenly a large fat brown spider ran across my bed, over the blankets that were covering my body, headed straight for me. Flung that shit off so quick and couldn't find it afterward. After that I moved my bed a few inches away from the walls it used to be pressed up against. 

Dumbest one is standing outside the college apartment with some roommates who were smoking on the concrete patio, and suddenly this huge wolf spider runs in from the grass right into the middle of where we were all standing, one of the guys is like Aaah! and stomps it, and immediately a million little baby spiders start spawning from its dead body and fanning out in all directions from their smashed mother, dude went AAAAAH and we all just went inside laughing. 

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Spiders don't usually bother me at all, but one time I was working out in a sprinkler box in the yard and when I got up, I noticed a black widow on my leg.  That kind of freaked me out.

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Shortly after I graduated from high school, I lived in this farmhouse near some chicken houses. Every summer, we'd get these big-ass spiders near the doors. I'd occasionally find some in my room. Don't recall seeing any black widows, but they still freaked me out.

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Spiders don't usually bother me but this morning there was a big ass Spider hanging from a web between my car and the one next to it. It was big enough for me to pick out all of its colors. I just got in the car and drove off. The web was strong enough for it to climb up and into my side view mirror. I just watched it curl up and ride with me to my interview. It stayed in my side view mirror all day, went to work with me, back to my kid's school. I finally just flung it off on the side walk and heard a thump. Hopefully it stayed in the street and didn't reattach itself back to my car. 

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I've never been scared of a spider since I was like 5 and all bugs scared me.

Waking up with a big one in my mouth or coming across that could kill me easily would do it, but neither has happened.

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