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Joe Rogan has moved his podcast to what's either an underground bunker or a submarine.

I'm not saying it's a warning sign, but it's always good to take note when the rich start making moves to isolate themselves. 




Yeah, Alex Jones in the pic doesn't help calm my anxiety about the situation :/

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13 minutes ago, -Ninja_Jesus- said:

Sorry, they’re all a bunch of douchebags. “Free Ghislane”? The one substantial link to Jeffrey Epstein besides Trump? Get the fuck out of here.

It's an ironic shirt.

I clicked play on that ep for some reason even tho I never listen to Rogan and the first few minutes were actually pretty good, good informative facts about Ghislaine's sketchy ass dad from AJ and the other guy. I had to cut it off

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3 minutes ago, NaBarney said:

It's an ironic shirt.

I clicked play on that ep for some reason even tho I never listen to Rogan and the first few minutes were actually pretty good, good informative facts about Ghislaine's sketchy ass dad from AJ and the other guy. I had to cut it off

I don't know how ironic it is if they're next to Alex Jones.

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Just now, -Ninja_Jesus- said:

I don't know how ironic it is if they're next to Alex Jones.

Alex Jones isn't a Free Ghislaine, Epstein was innocent type of conspiracy guy, he's a Ghislaine is evil and so are all the ruling class reptile cabal pedophiles she supplied kids for type of conspiracy guy 

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19 minutes ago, NaBarney said:

Alex Jones isn't a Free Ghislaine, Epstein was innocent type of conspiracy guy, he's a Ghislaine is evil and so are all the ruling class reptile cabal pedophiles she supplied kids for type of conspiracy guy 

You see, you say that but Alex Jones has zero credibility in my eyes. I’d sooner believe in the gay frogs.

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10 minutes ago, bnmjy said:

Looks like all the censorship has caused Alex's hairline to migrate further north.

A mild side effect from the nutri-ceuticals that keep him evolving, you see having hair blocks your mind's psychic pathways and brainwave connections to other higher consciousness energy beings, including aliens


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I think Rogan is a good interviewer when it comes to comedians and scientists. When he talks shop with other comedians, its a very interesting listen. His interviews with scientists are pretty good because he seems genuinely interested in how things work.

That said, he's been letting himself turn into the voice of "the bros" and being too open-minded when it comes to the conspiracy types.

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