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I have a ton of jrpgs piling up, installed for trophies but never bother playing because I can't find the time to actually time sink into them. A few of them, I started but quit because a new game came out seems to be a recurring cycle. I just recently bought ff7 remake and P5 Royal, haven't touched them. Call of Duty Modern Warfare? Oh I'm on that almost every day for a couple of hours, but these other games? Well, I'll eventually have to start on them someday, maybe when I don't feel the need for mindless shooting and running around dying.


I bought the resident evil 2 remake last steam sale, haven't installed it yet. Decided I'd play through one or two of the old ones on the gamecube first, but I've only been able to put a couple hours into resident evil 1 once or twice a week the past maybe three weeks and the throttling of the gameplay is totally killing my enthusiasm. In addition to the saved game data on the memory card, the saved game data in my brain uses up a lot more bandwidth than it used to (and/or I just have less bandwidth to devote to it).

My friend also picked me up a copy of the Wind Waker remake on Wii U right before the shutdown, still haven't squared up on that. Thought about just playing it on the gamecube, (pre-resident evil) but decided to hold out for the remaster.


I’ve been sleeping on Animal Crossing because FFVII Remake and BotW have been taking up a bulk of my time.

I just put Death Stranding on hold because it got far too miserable to have every delivery throw in more BT fuckery while my motorcycle hits an abrupt stop as soon as it hits a pebble. 


I tried to go back and play The Witcher 2 because I liked 3 so much 



....... erm ... that was probably some money I wasted because I can't get my brain around the fight mechanics


Brain Lord, I take back every negative thing I've ever said about the Ice Palace in A Link to the Past because that dungeon has nothing on this Ice Castle in Brain Lord


Posted (edited)

I'm not playing anything...besides Classic WoW.  I can't stop playing.  With all this free time,  a WoW addiction and, in a sense, I'm on the "ASMB", my life has gone back to 2005.

Edited by start_feed
  • 3 weeks later...

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