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I'm about to start dating older than 17-18

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Need it in white, text in blue, and it has to be the same color as this guy:





Who I would love to replace that W because I think that's a WWF or WWE symbol, and I'm not a wrestling fan!  -_'


Ah that one looks really good. Will have to rock that around the neighborhood. Would like to get a custom version with real chaos emeralds though, but embedded in the belt such that they're not sticking out while I perambulate around town with alpha swag and they're not poking me in my thighs either.


I can only guess that she's talking to somebody else on OKC who she thinks is better, which is why she stopped responding. How can I just keep her on my friends list when she thinks he's better? Wouldn't make any sense...


Nah. What's the fun in that?



Just to teach her a lesson. I don't feel like going into AggroZeni mode with the whole, "What do you think you're doing ignoring me?" stuff as I'm feeling quite mellow today, so perhaps today I'll nonchalantly block and unfriend her and then make myself a cup of green tea. It'll be so soothing and afterward I can smile knowing that I just got a pest off of my back and that I was, in fact, the far superior OKC alpha male, which will be proved once they never work out.  <3


Remember she can control your account on OKC

She has your balls in her hand


You unfriend her on PSN and she'll report you to OKC mods for no reason

This girl is smart



You should be taking notes



Just to teach her a lesson. I don't feel like going into AggroZeni mode with the whole, "What do you think you're doing ignoring me?" stuff as I'm feeling quite mellow today, so perhaps today I'll nonchalantly block and unfriend her and then make myself a cup of green tea. It'll be so soothing and afterward I can smile knowing that I just got a pest off of my back and that I was, in fact, the far superior OKC alpha male, which will be proved once they never work out.  <3

Better than going 'Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs' on her ass.

She responded right now haha. And I was so close to sending a classic "don't play games with me" message. Ah... glad to see generation z knows what the game's about.


If you say generation z one more time I'll slay every OKC thread you ever make


She responded right now haha. And I was so close to sending a classic "don't play games with me" message. Ah... glad to see generation z knows what the game's about.


I thought that you didn't hang around playgrounds, perv.


Talking to this girl is pointless. I'm gonna ask her one time if she wants to meet up this weekend, and then I'm gonna let her meet up with the other guys she's been ignoring me for just so she can be back on the site in a few weeks. Do you know how annoying it is to know you're the best, the cream of the crop, and to always get ignored by these peabrains? GRRRRR. I'll give her one more shot. She still replies, but she's clearly talking to at least one other guy, and that's just unacceptable because if she knew anything about the world, she'd see that I'm easily the best.  >(


Tell her you've tracked her location and will be by to pick her up this Saturday night



I actually don't know her exact location, only area in Philly she lives in based on what she told me. She doesn't have her driver's license or a car though, so what you're saying makes sense.


You need to find out her exact location so if she turns cold you can show up and talk some sense into her pea brain, or steal the family's dog.



Another good idea except for the dog part because stealing is bad, but every time I try to talk sense into them they do the opposite of what makes sense just to piss me off, such as dating somebody other than me or seeking restraining orders like that one girl tried to do to me. Smh... Corrupt


All those people on OKC, and she didn't choose you? Stop the fucking presses. :|

I don't fucking blame her. You're a creepy asshole. Fuck, if I was a female, I would actively avoid you, because I know you're a creeper.

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